The Wonder Square

This is one of those places you can spend way too much time in if you're not careful. The Super Dunk can get you a lot of GP if you can figure out the timing--I'm not too good at it myself. And although I've heard you can use a turbo controller to win at Arm Wrestling, I tried with my AsciiPad and it didn't work. Oh well. Upstairs, playing Mog House and then talking to the lady standing in front of it will get you 30 GP. It's a good start for your first time in the Gold Saucer. And don't even ask me how to play Mog House--if you can't figure it out, you shouldn't be playing Final Fantasy games. At any rate, G-Bike is just like the mini-game you played to get out of Midgar at the beginning of the game. It's fun and relatively easy, and you can get 10 GP each time you win and a Speed Source the first time you win. The Snowboard game can be played after you do it for real in Disc 2, and if you get 70 points or more on each of the three courses, you'll get to do a special time trial, based on speed only with no obstacles. To get items and GP, you'll need to get 90 points or more on each of the courses. As for the submarine game, you'll get to play that one after you do it for real during the Huge Materia hunt. I really don't care much for this one, and it's a lot harder here than it was for real. The arcade version forces you to pay attention to all the enemies instead of just the one, and getting enough kills within the time limit is (at least for me) damn near impossible. The last game here is 3D Battler, which is the big one in the middle. It looks sorta like a fighting game, but it's really just rock-paper-scissors dressed up a little. This one is very hard to win as the odds are against you, so why bother?

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