You Might Be A Minnesotan If...
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You Might Be A Minnesotan If...

...snow tires come standard on all your vehicles have gotten frostbitten and sunburned during the same week know people who pronounce Duluth, "Doo-loot"
...down south to you means Iowa think the state bird is the mosquito
...the "Big three" means Grain Belt, Hamms, and Schmidts
...your definition of a small town is one that has one bar
...people think you are from Canada
...getting dressed up means a pair of blue jeans, flannel shirt, and a baseball cap
...a brat is something you eat know what "cow tipping" is have no problem spelling "Minneapolis" used to think Deer Season was an official school holiday know where Mille Lacs is and how to spell it
...a big date means taking your girlfriend shining deer go out for a fish fry every Friday night
...your idea of seasons are fall, winter, spring, and the 4th of July go to work in a snowsuit in the morning and return home wearing shorts know how to polka know chocolate milk doesn't come from brown cows take all your vacations "up nort" know what a bubbler is
...when you tell someone where you are from, they look at you and say, "Oh" know what lutefisk and lefse are think that Lutherans and Catholics are the two major religions of the world have to go to Florida to get a tan in August define swimming season as the last two weeks in July
...your 4th of July picnic was moved indoors because of frost own an ice house, a snowmobile, and a 4 wheel drive pickup have more fishing poles than teeth organized a picnic because summer fell on a weekend this year
...when you talk about an "opener" you are not talking about cans
...happiness is owning a piece of lakeshore've got a bass boat, a speedboat, a canoe, a kayak, and a pontoon
...your idea of a trip out east is to Wisconsin, and a trip out west is to South Dakota carry jumper cables in your car
AND, you don't mind paying state taxes because of the "quality of life"

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