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Mariah Carey World : Everything about Mariah you never wanted to know.

Hi everyone...I just felt like changing the colours and the home picture here at Mariah Carey World . The revamp was pretty much because in the basic programming, I don't like the way Angelfire sets up your index page. So I'm programming it myself so I can make it the way I want.
Anyway, there's pretty much the same stuff here. The news section has just been updated, all the lyrics and discography are now up, and I've added a few new sections; I've started a (small) picture gallery, put up some of my favourite songs, got some information about Mariah's concerts, and currently I'm working on the rest of the tours and perhaps an awards page next.. So please, look around, don't run screaming now, give me a fair shot. I promise you'll only start losing brain cells if you stay for any length of time over 142 minutes. Trust me. That number is the result of a lot of trial, error and innocent lives. - Alyssa

Uncle Hyman
Uncle Hyman
The Actual Content of This Page

Mariah's Albums
Mariah's Singles
Mariah Lyrics
Mariah News
Mariah's Tours
Mariah's Awards
Mariah Pictures
My Favourite Mariah Songs
Read my Dreambook
Sign my Dreambook!
