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Mancunian Moon

Welcome to Mancunian Moon, a web-site devoted entirely to the band UK R.I.P. Never heard of them? In that case, hold on to that thought because, believe me, one day, you'll be telling the whole world you knew them when!

First off, let me tell you a bit about the band.They come from Manchester, England. They are signed to leading Manchester Independent label Mantex Recording Company label, under the management of Andy James. They split their time between Manchester, and Texas, USA working with Mantex affiliates over there.

The band is unique in that all lyrics are written by the drummer, Andy, who is also dyslexic which makes his achievements as a published poet even more impressive. Music is written by both Andy and Steve with Nick adding a few oohs and aahs in various places. This page is in its beginning stages right now and more info, lyrics, and photographs of the band will be added shortly. They have recently been described in the press as a cross between the Stone Roses and the Beautiful South, but like to stay true to their Manchester roots, while mixing in various influences from rock, soul and rythm & blues.

UPDATED!!! But what are they upto now? The band line up has changed and the lads hope that this is the line up to finally break into the big-time. Andy has just completed his course at the School of Sound Recording in Manchester and is currently undertaking an advanced course. He also finds time to manage a young band who do R & B, hip-hop music, so a step in a new direction for Andy, maybe we'll see some collaborations in the near future. Miles is currently working with the BBC on some computer generated projects. This page has been running since September 3 1998 and was last updated on Sunday 8th June at 19.49pm BST..

HOT NEWS!! HOT NEWS!! The guys have recently been rehearsing some classic tunes by great Manchester bands past & present and are hoping to take the show on the road in the near future under the alias of 'The Republic of Mancunia'. Keep checking this site for tour dates, to be posted as soon as they're in.

Also, please note the new e-mail address below when contacting us about this site. Coming soon.... The band have recently been rehearsing at London's Abbey Road studio's, made famous by The Beatles album of the same name, and the pictures are on their way, including some on THAT zebra crossing!

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