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Hear some selections
from the 1998
International Big Sing

The 1999 Big Sing

The Marshall Area Men's Chorus
is proud to be the host of the
Upper Midwest District of the
Affiliated Male Choruses of America 1999 Big Sing.

Celebrating 50 years of male chorus singing.

"It's time to shine in '99"



The Big Sing will take place on the Campus of Southwest State University.

SSU is located in the Northeast corner of Marshall. It is within walking distance to many restaurants, 3 motels, and a shopping mall.

The Saturday morning activities, the afternoon rehearsal, the evening Big Sing concert, and the Afterglow will all take place at new RA (Receational/Athletic Facility) at SSU.

The ladies luncheon will also take place at SSU.

The Friday Evening Adjudicated Recital will take place at Marshall High School.



The Friday Schedule:

The Saturday Morning Schedule:

Please note: Each session will last 45 minutes. There will be a 15 minute break between each session.


The Afternoon Schedule:


The Evening Schedule:

The Big Sing concert is open to the public.
Please click on here for ticket information.

Please click on the Latest Updated Information link below for the most recent news of the Big Sing

About the MAMC

Big Sing Repertoire

About Marshall, MN

Maps Of Marshall

Motels in Marshall

Latest Updated Information

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