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Little One

Updated June 3, 1999....check it out!

How are you?
I'm Connie, also known as Little One.
On my homepage, "Little Rhino". I will explain that rhino part later.

Today is a gift as well as being an obligation to live with a positive attitude that never quits. "It's waking up in the morning with a smile and knowing my life is full of love and hugs".

My family keeps my soul happy, it keeps me going through good and bad times. My family is my support group, it consists of my husband, Jim of 24 years. My two very gifted sons who also happen to have great personalities and a positive look at the bigger picture of life.

My sister, Kathy, also known as Catnapper, is and has been a big support for me. It was Kathy who let me in this world of computer knowledge and friends. I also have 3 more sisters, 2 brothers and my Mom. They are the core of my support group. Included in my core group are my husbands 11 brothers and sisters, and his parents. In addition to that, I have many aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends who help me through the difficult battle with AIDS.

When I am feeling good I love to travel. (I used to manage a Travel Agency.) I have seen castles, dungeons, pyramids, and cultures from all over the world. I like to bungee jump, white water raft, and most of dive! I have learned to live life, so I have learned to live with AIDS..... NOT DIE FROM AIDS. I try to keep things simple, faith, positive attitude, humor, and knowing how to live with the support of my family. All this has made me realize that life is good!! We all have journeys and they are all different for everyone. My sister, Kathy, writes poems. She can say in words what many of us feel. That is a great talent.


It has been one and a half years, so this is long overdue. I have injoyed this so much, having people leave me notes, meeting new "puter" friends and also the out-reach I have been able to do with AIDS Education. Being a Rhino this last year and a half has helped me through tough times. I have had to sharpen my horns and keep on charging. The two inch thick skin, energy and persistence to never stop charging has helped out in this jungle of life. (I have added more to my "RHINO" page....a must read)

Not much has changed in the last one and half years, just had to refocus a bit. My family is always my best support which helped as I have had to deal more often with my AIDS, not only a physical but mental battle. The side effects from some of the pro-inhibitor drugs started to show up. I had to remind myself of a "very good book" and the good news was for me to be confident and strong, for I will never be alone. The Lord our God is always with me. How's that for a friend? One of the most recent side effects from my medication is Type II diabetes. It was a hard thing to add to my list of things not working right. Sometimes the jungle comes with difficult situations to strengthen you. Then the satisfaction of overcoming or dealing with it can feel richly rewarding.

The computer has been an outreach for me. I have worked with schools by having them use my web-site and links for education. Students read about AIDS and write me during their studies on HIV and AIDS. It has been both work and fun. It gives me a feeling of self worth when I am able to work with a school that might not be able to get a speaker to come to them. "Thank you to all the students and teachers who have participated."

Remember that life is an adventure....go live it!!

I want to thank some very special people for their kindness and generosity. You have made my world a much better place!
~~~ Brainerd Daily Dispatch ~~~
for the front page articles.
~~~ Consolidated Telephone ~~~
for providing me with internet access.
~~~ Hunt Technologies ~~~
for the donation of the printer and the monitor.
And a special thankyou to
~~~ John Thomas - Spectrum Electronics ~~~
for the donation of the computer, programs,accessories, and his continuous moral and technical support.


Please visit my Rhino page and also the articles written by Brainerd Daily Dispatch at the bottom of this page. Please don't leave without coming back and signing my guest book. I would love to hear from you!....ENJOY YOUR STAY AND COME BACK OFTEN.....Hugs....Connie.

~~~ Places to go...Things to see...~~~

Rhino philosophy

Poems from my favorite Author

Catnaps page

Heavenly Post Cards

~~Articles about Connie~~



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Love, Faith, and Miracles

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"Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." Hebrews 13: 1-2

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