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Joe's 007 Page

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New (High quality) Maps for Goldeneye!!

My Goldeneye Poll

Goldeneye Theme Song
Boris saying "Yes,I'm in"
You Only Live Twice
A View to a Kill
Tips 'n' Tricks

How to Find Oddjob & Mayday-Go to the last room in the train and kill 006,Xenia,and Ourmav.Blow everything up and run around until you find a key.Shoot all your ammo out on the back wall.Die and it should say New Cheat Enabled.Turn on the cheat and go to the Dam.Go to the 1st dock and go to the front left corner and hit the B button.Hit B again and it should show a scene af you going to the base.*Note*I havn't got it to work yet.

31 new Characters-This is the only button code in the game!Before you start,go to the last character in the character select screen.

Hold L+R and press C-left
Hold L and press C-up
Hold L+R and press left on the D-pad
Hold L and press right on the D-pad
Hold R and press down on the D pad
Hold L+R and press C-left
Hold L+R and press C-up
Hold L+R and press right on the D-pad
Hold L+R and press C-down
Hold L and press down on the D-pad

Shoot Tank Shells From Your Hand-This is a pretty cool Glich that only works in tank levels.You also need to switch the unlimited ammo cheat on.Go to the tank and climb inside.switch your weapon to the one just before the tank shells.Then,while switching to the tank shells,jump off the tank.If you did it right,Bonds's weapon will still be on tank shells.Get ready to shoot some "Big Ones" from your hand.

Make 2nd,3rd,and 4th Players the same Charater-Method:Set #of players to 4,Enter the Charater Select Screen and pick whatever character you want for the 4th player(1-3 don't matter).Then set the number of characters to 3 and go to the Character Select Screen and pick the same character you chose for the 4th player.Then set the #of players to 2 and go to the Charater Select Screen and and select the same character for player 2 as player 3 & 4.Now set # of players to 4 and start the game!(You can also do this for three player mode).The only limitation is that players 1 and 2 can never be the same charater.Aside from that,anything works.

Walking through walls-If you goto the Dam with turbo mode on, go to the place where two guards are. Kill them and press forward towards the window and after awhile you will go through it!

Harmless Rocket-Go to statue park with 2X Rockets and go to the silver box.Aim at where the opening would be and fire a rocket.It will go right through but won't come out the other side!

Two faced Guard-In the First Siberia level get the alarm to go off and you will see a guard with two faces on one head. I may take a couple of times to make it work...

BOOM!!!-In a level with an open sky you can blast people up using remote mines. try the jungle, runway,& the facility.

Only Bond-Turn on turbo mode and all guns.Then go to Bunker 2.Once you have completed the level take out your remote mines and stick one to the exit door,run then press A+B and only Bond will run out.

Natalya dies-On the jungle right before you go into the elevator shoot Natalya in the hand as soon as you step into the elevator.*Note*You have to kill Natalya.

Flying Enemies-Go to the cradle with slow animation ,invisibility,and all guns.1.Go to the room with the Drone guns(don't wait for trevelian)2.Destroy them and the dish to the place where you and trevelian duke it out.4.look down over the edge,get your remote mines out ,throw one,count to 9,press A+B.guys hear mine and come down there.they don't see you to stop so they walk right off.after about 10 seconds,they come flying strait back up,still running. its pointless but very cool looking.

More Ammo-To get more ammo for multiplayer simply shoot the ammo boxes in the center*Note*Only works on boxes that don't carry explosives.

Watch the Guards-try standing by a guard or looking at him through a sniper rifle.He will do lots of funny things like scrath himself in several places,swing at flies nearby and even sneeze loudly.Its cool to watch.

Floating Mine-When playing a mission or multiplayer,throw a mine on to a glass surface then shoot the glass until it breas.Strangly the mine is in mid-air and does not fall to the ground.

Half Screen-Ever try actually splitting the screen?In multiplayer,me and a friend split the screen with cardboard so we couldn't see where the other guy was...then we turned off the sound,and sniper rifles on.It was great fun.Try It!!

Mishkin gets Nasty-In the Archives level go to the room with all the boxes and talk to Mishkin.Anywhere in the conversation (before he leaves),take out a gun and aim to the side of Mishkin's head.Now fire!If Mishkin drops dead then you did the trick wrong,bonehead.If you did it right then Mishkin will pull out a D44 ,stop talking,and start shooting you.It's not helpful but it gives you a reason to kill him!

Truck Stuck Trick-Go to the Dam.Go through killing everyone you see until you get to the part where you have to open the two gates for the truck to get through. then open the first gate but not the second,when the truck gets to the second gate hit the open thingy and right when the gate starts to open ,after the first one closes ,start hitting the open button alot and when you look at the truck it will be stuck in the wall!!!

Tricks-In bunker 2 ,go get the CCTV tape.Now bring it up in your inventory.It's the Goldeneye movie box! Nice little plugola,eh?

Back into the Vent-Using the 1.1 controller setup.1.Standing on the toilet under the vent, facing the door.2.Hold the R button down.3.Push and hold Right C and the controller stick left.4.Keep holding R,Right C and controller stick left until you see Bond jump into the vent.5.Release R,Right C and the controller stick left.6.Push back on the controller stick and thats it.

Exploding box of Books-On the first Surface level get the large from the guy in the brown suit.Now go to the building with the safe in it.on the right side next to the corner there is a box.When you shoot and it explodes,books fly all over the floor.

Exploding Bookshelf-At the first Surface go to any room with a bookshelf.Pull out your Golden PP7 and shoot it and it will blow up.

Repair Man-Go to the first Surface.If you go behind a camera,you can go inside it! I like to call it "the repair man" because it's like your fixing it.

Invisible mines-In multiplayer with proximity mines,kill the other player (s/he has to have a gun),and place the mine on the gun and then pick it up. You will then have invisible mines forever.Its a cool trick to surprise your enemies.

Hidden weapons-On the Train,in the room you enter with all the boxes when you first start,blow up the last two boxes at the end of the room.When you do that,you will finda hidden RCP-90 on Agent mode,A DD44 Dostovei on Secret Agent, and nothing on 00 Agent.

Information on Awards-In Goldeneye's multiplayer mode after everything is all done and it shows who was 1st,2nd,ect.,press left on your control stick 3 times. You can get an award. More information below.

Good Awards

Double Kill-Kill two people at the same time.
Triple Kill-Kill three people at the same time.
Quad Kill-Kill four people at the same time.
AC-10-Armor Class-10...means you were extremely hard to hit.
Most Deadly-Kicked the most butt,mostly goes to the best player.
Most Honorable-Doesn't use cheap tricks to win,and fights fair.
Most Professional-Doesn't mess around,goes for head shots and stuff like that.
Marksmanship Award-Most accurate shots and hardly misses.
Longest Innings-The one who stays alive the longest.

Bad Awards

Most Cowardly-The person who tries to stay out of the fights and hide.
Most Dishonorable-Fights dirty and doesn't play fair.
Most Frantic-The one who runs around alot and is crazy.
Mostly Harmless-Hardly didn't kill any one and really stinks at fighting.
Where's the Armor?-Didn't get any armor.
Where's the Ammo?-Didn't get any ammo.
Shortest Innings-The one who stays alive the shortest.
Lemming Award-The most suicides.

Floating Mines Trick-On the bunker in multiplayer with Remote Mines go to the main computer room.Look on the ceiling and there are 8 T.V.'s.Throw a Remote Mine on each one and detonate them.Now throw another one.Nothing happens.Now back up.It is floating in mid-air!

Mad Scientists-In any difficulty,shoot a scientist twice (in a place that won't kill him)and he will pull out a DD44. This is an easy way to get a powerful gun.

GOLDEN BOY-When you get the Gold PP7 Cheat go to the Facility and shoot 006 in the hand.Usually he says "Why James?" and starts shooting you but when you use the Gold PP7 he says "SO,THE GOLDEN BOYS A TRAITOR?"

Two Faced Guard-In the first Surface level,get the alarm to go off(it may take a couple of times) and you will see a two faced guard.You may not get this to work,as I only got it to work once.....

Floating Mines-On the Bunker in Multiplayer,place remot mines on the eight T.V.'s on the ceiling.Detonate them.Now throw another mine anywhere.Nothing happens.Now step back.You should see a mine floating!Now you can place mines anywhere in the level!

Ouchies!-If you shoot Natalia in the rump,she will hop around holding her butt!Be careful mot to kill her.

Game Shark

Multiplayer in the CRADLE!!!!-8002A8F7 0029
Multiplayer in the STATUE!!!!-8002A8F7 0016
80024337 00XX Music Modifier - By: Ryan Breen (

With this code, you will have the music of the description playing throughout the game Replace XX with:

01 Death Music Theme 1

02 Goldeneye Theme Song

03 Train

04 Depot

05 Multiplayer Theme 1

06 Multiplayer Theme 2

07 Facility

08 Control

09 Dam

10 Bunker 2

11 Statue

12 Elevator Music (except caverns)

13 Cradle

14 No Music. Sound Effects only. (It sounds cool. Just like real life).

15 Elevator Music (caverns only)

16 Egypt

17 Main Menu Theme

18 The music you hear when you look into your wrist watch.

19 Aztec

20 Softer music version of Depot

21 Multiplayer Theme 3

22 Multiplayer Theme 4

23 Multiplayer Theme 5

24 Multiplayer Theme 6

25 Multiplayer Theme 7

26 Faster Music version of Silo

27 Sound effects only

28 Multiplayer Theme 8

29 Faster Bunker music

30 The theme before you kill Trevelyen in the Cradle.

31 Music when you beat the Cradle (where Natalya and James are kissing and the credits scroll across the screen)

32 Runway

33 Multiplayer Theme 9

34 Surface 2

35 Wind Blowing (sound effect form Surface 2)

36 Death Theme 2

37 Jungle

38 Multiplayer Theme 10

39 Surface 1

40-43 Sound Effects only

0A Frigate

0B Archives

0C Silo

0D Multiplayer Theme 11

0E Streets

0F Bunker 1

1A Caverns

2A Alarm Music Theme at the end of Bunker 2 (after Natalya activates that computer.)

3A Death Theme 3

1B Death Theme 4

2B Jungle

3B Multiplayer Theme 12

1C Surface 2

2C Opening Theme

3C Theme when you beat Surface 2. (Cartoon at the end when the gaurds surround you.)

1D Train

2D Statue

3D Same thing as 3C

1E Sound Effects Only

2E Aztec when the Space Shuttle starts to count down.

3E Part of Theme from Frigate

1F Facility

2F Egypt

Giant,and I mean GIANT,enemies-80357416 FFFF
Slow moving,halfway stuck in the ground enemies (I made it)-8035724 FFFF
Headless(There is a different one like this but not all are headless(I made it)-8035732 FFFF
Extremely deep hole in DAM-80091182 8AEF
Less Detail-800210AF FFFF
Line Mode-80069657 0001

No Doors,No Enemies,Screen Map is not on,No Goldeneye Key,No cameras,No tables,No boxes,No computers,wrong starting point,and no ending point in Bunker-8002A8F6 0014

Destroy Almost Everything Codes-DAM--800D3B84 0001_FACILITY--800B6F84_RUNWAY,SURFACE,DEPOT--800D9F84 0001_BUNKER 1,SILO,BUNKER 2--800B4784 0001_FRIGATE--800C7384 0001_SURFACE 2--800E6784 0001_STATUE--800C5F84 0001_ARCIVES,CAVERNS,CRADLE,EGYPTIAN--800CD784 0001_STREETS--800D7784 0001_TRAIN,JUNGLE,CONTROL--800C0F84 0001_AZTEC 800B0B84 0001
Godzilla Bond(multi)-A002B1A0 0041
Goldfinger(Multi)-A002B19F 003E

A002B19D 0018

Bill Clinton(Multi)-A002B19F 0035

A002B19D 0017

Cuba-8002A8FB 0014
Classical Music-8101199B FFFF
Max ammo-800696A4 0001
2X Armor-80069659 0001
2X Health-80069658 0001
10X Health-80069660 0001
P1 All Guns-800CDD4C 0007
Extra Ammo-80030B28 0042
See-through-80021666 FFFF
Silver Hand-800XXXB9 00F7
Walk on Water in the Dam(press the GS button)-880D33ED 00FF
Get Across the Vent in the Facility(press the GS button)-880B67ED 00FF
Tiny Bond in the Facility-800B690D 3F80
Streched out Bond-8002196B FFFF
Earthquake mode-800XXX33 0001
Replace XXX with:



D9B-Runway,Surface #1,Depot

B43-Bunker #1,Bunker #2,Silo


E63-Surface #2

C5B-Statue Park

CD3-Archives,Caverns,Cradle,Egyptain Temple



B07-Aztec Complex

Madness in Dam-8002118B FFFF
Red Enemies-8002114E 0001
Broken Glass Mode-800218DF 0001
Invisible Characters-800210F5 00F6
Holes in the Wall Mode-800212DF 0001
Wall Designs-800213BA 0006
Red Enemies & Red Bond-8002115B FFFF
Hologram Watch-810D57DE FF64
Debug Mode-80069669 0001
Wall Designs-800213BA 0006
Red Enimies and Red Bond-8002115B FFFF
Nintendo Sign Blows up-800210B5 00F6
Smeared Graphics Mode-800214F2 000C
Really Smeared Graphics Mode-8002138B FFFF

Extra Tiny-If you thought Oddjob was small,just look how small you are after you put this code on!(you must pick Bond)-A002B19F 00XX

00-Jungle Commando

01-Grey tux Bond

02-Russian Soldier

03-Russian Infantary

04-Janus Special Forces





11-Janus Marine

12-Russian Commandant


14-Naval Officer

15-Siberian Special Forces

16-Bunker Enemy

17-Tux Bond

18-No Head Bond


23-Scientist Bond

24-Helicopter Piolot

25-Siberian Guard

26-Arctic Commando

27/28-Moonraker Elite

29-Only Arm



0C-Baron Samedi




Ugly Bond (multi)-85307546 5430
Debug Mode-80069669 0001
Weak Enemies-8002CE48 0048
Hologram Watch-810D57DE FF64
Less Detail-800210AF FFFF
Line Mode-80069657 0001
5-D-8002195F 0001 (more codes like this in Dave's Page)
See Roger Moore's Picture-A002B19B 0001
See Timothy Dalton's Picture-A002B19B 0002
See Sean Connery's Picture-A002B19B 0003
Guards in Dam have Huge Feet-80324B1A 0001
Multiplayer Tiny Bond-A102B1A1 0000
Play as Miniature Helicopter Piolot(Must select Bond)-A002B19F 0024
Messed up Enemies-800211BF 0001
Secret Room (bunker)-8002A8F6 0014
2D-800211DF 0001
Graffitti-800214DF FFFF
Madness in DAM-8002118B FFFF
More Multiplayer characters-8002B197 0040
Preditor mode-8002114F FFFF
Gold mode-8102143C 3FF0
8102144E 0000
Bond's Head on other bodies-8002B19D 00XX
Natalya's head onother bodies-8002B1A9 00XX
Replace XX with

18-Pimp Blue




1B-Fat Woman

28-Woman Moonraker suit

29-Strange Arm

Full Facility-880C8784 0001
Full Caverns-880C5F84 0001
Full Archives-880CD784 0001
NOTE:You must go to any locked door and press the GS button.

Bulletproof Bond-8002CE44 0030
80030B20 0030
Infinite bullets to a clip-880XXXD3 0002 800XXXFF 0007
Replace XXX with:




Bunker 1,Silo-B43


Bunker 2-B43





Cheat Helper-8002A8FB 00XX
Replace XX with:








Surface 2-0C

Bunker 2-OD












Level Skip:Egypt-8002A8FB 001C
Rare logo-8002118A FFFF

Play Multiplayer with all weapons Archives p1-800CDD4C 0007 p2-800D07CC 0007 p3-800D324C 0007 p4-800D6CCC 0007 Caverns p1-800C664C 0007 p2-800C8FCC 0007 p3-800CBA4C 0007 p4-800CE4CC 0007 facility p1-800C8D4C 0007 p2-800CB7CC 0007 p3-800CE24C 0007 p4-800D0CCC 0007 Bunker p1-800B9D4C 0007 p2-800BC7CC 0007 p3-800BF24C 0007 p4-800C1CCC 0007 Temple,Complex,library,basement,stack. p1-800A864C 0007 p2-800AAFCC 0007 p3-800ADA4C 0007 p4-800B4CCC 0007 Egyptian temple p1-800F364C 0007 p2-800F6FCC 0007 p3-800F8A4C 0007 p4-800FB4CC 0007 800214E2 0006 Multi Color Changing Walls 800213CF FFFF Missing Pieces 80091182 8AEF Incredibly Deep Hole in Dam 80091181 8AEF Flashing in a Few Places 80091283 FFEF Weird Bumble Bee Thing at the Begining of Dam 80021415 CCCC See Through Ground 80022056 0008 Colorful Polygons in Your Face 80022F76 0008 Music Weird 8002209F 0008 Awesome Intro 80021A56 00FF Walls are Alive 8102B522 000X More players in Multiplayer Mode, but with only two controllers plugged in. (Max 4 players) Thanks to GSCCC Replace X with: 2: for 2 players 3: for 3 players 4: for 4 players Ultimate code

8006992E FFFF + 8006992F FFFF +         This code gives you all the levels, (including the 
80069930 FFFF + 80069965 FFFF +         secret ones) all of the in game cheats, and the 
80069967 FFFF + 8006996A FFFF +         special 007 mode. 
8006996C FFFF + 8006996F FFFF +         Yes you must insert all of these codes.
80069971 FFFF + 80069974 FFFF + 
80069976 FFFF + 80069979 FFFF +
8006997B FFFF

Here's what you do, first, without using GS, fill up all the files, so that there isn't any open 
ones. Then DELETE THE 2ND FILE ONLY, turn off the N64. put in the GS, and turn on the code above, 
the second file shouldn't be empty, it should be named 007, if it isn't, look for another one 
named 007, if you don't find anything, go to the empty file, and play on the Dam, Agent mode 
would be the easiest. Beat that level, when the screen that shows your time and weapon of choice,
blah, blah, blah... hit the B button until you come to the place where you choose yer level, 
EVERY ONE SHOULD BE THERE, hit B again and check out yer cheats file, ALL 23 SHOULD BE THERE... 
When you pick your stage, you will see another difficulty level, 007, this is the level editor, 
you can change all kinds of stuff...

No Clipping Codes Directions

Single-Player Codes 

Dam Level Codes 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 
800D33ED 0050
880D33ED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   2 No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 
800D33F5 0050
880D33F5 0000 

Facility Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 
800B67ED 0050
880B67ED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 
800B67F5 0050
880B67F5 0000 

Runway, Surface A & Depot Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 
800D97ED 0050
880D97ED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 
800D97F5 0050
880D97F5 0000 

Bunker A, Bunker B & Silo Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 
800B3FED 0050
880B3FED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 
800B3FF5 0050
880B3FF5 0000 

Frigate Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 
800C6BED 0050
880C6BED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 
800C6BF5 0050
880C6BF5 0000 

Surface B Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 
800E5FED 0050
880E5FED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 
800E5FF5 0050
880E5FF5 0000 

Statue Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 
800C57ED 0050
880C57ED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 
800C57F5 0050
880C57F5 0000 

Archives, Cavern, Cradle & Eqyptian Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 
800CCFED 0050
880CCFED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 
800CCFF5 0050
880CCFF5 0000 

Streets Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 
800D6FED 0050
880D6FED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 
800D6FF5 0050
880D6FF5 0000 

Train, Jungle & Control Center Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 
800C07ED 0050
880C07ED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 
800C07F5 0050
880C07F5 0000 

Aztec Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) 
800B03ED 0050
880B03ED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) 
800B03F5 0050
880B03F5 0000 

Multi-Player Codes 

Temple, Complex, Library, Basement & Stack Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P1 
800A77ED 0030
880A77ED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P1 
800A77F5 0030
880A77F5 0000 

D0064F37 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P2 
800AA26D 0030
880AA26D 0000 

D0064F37 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P2 
800AA275 0030
880AA275 0000 

D0064F3D 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P3 
800ACCED 0030
880ACCED 0000 

D0064F3D 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P3 
800ACCF5 0030
880ACCF5 0000 

D0064F43 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P4 
800AF76D 0030
880AF76D 0000 

D0064F43 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P4 
800AF775 0030
880AF775 0000 

Caves Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P1 
800D97ED 0030
880D97ED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P1 
800D97F5 0030
880D97F5 0000 

D0064F37 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P2 
800DC26D 0030
880DC26D 0000 

D0064F37 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P2 
800DC275 0030
880DC275 0000 

D0064F3D 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P3 
800DECED 0030
880DECED 0000 

D0064F3D 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P3 
800DECF5 0030
880DECF5 0000 

D0064F43 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P4 
800E176D 0030
880E176D 0000 

D0064F43 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P4 
800E1775 0030
880E1775 0000 

Facility Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P1 
800C7FED 0030
880C7FED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P1 
800C7FF5 0030
880C7FF5 0000 

D0064F37 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P2 
800CAA6D 0030
880CAA6D 0000 

D0064F37 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P2 
800CAA75 0030
880CAA75 0000 

D0064F3D 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P3 
800CD4ED 0030
880CD4ED 0000 

D0064F3D 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P3 
800CD4F5 0030
880CD4F5 0000 

D0064F43 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P4 
800CFF6D 0030
880CFF6D 0000 

D0064F43 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P4 
800CFF75 0030
880CFF75 0000 

Bunker Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P1 
800B8FED 0030
880B8FED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P1 
800B8FF5 0030
880B8FF5 0000 

D0064F37 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P2 
800BBA6D 0030
880BBA6D 0000 

D0064F37 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P2 
800BBA75 0030
880BBA75 0000 

D0064F3D 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P3 
800BE4ED 0030
880BE4ED 0000 

D0064F3D 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P3 
800BE4F5 0030
880BE4F5 0000 

D0064F43 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P4 
800C0F6D 0030
880C0F6D 0000 

D0064F43 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P4 
800C0F75 0030
880C0F75 0000 

Archives Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P1 
800CCFED 0030
880CCFED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P1 
800CCFF5 0030
880CCFF5 0000 

D0064F37 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P2 
800CFA6D 0030
880CFA6D 0000 

D0064F37 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P2 
800CFA75 0030
880CFA75 0000 

D0064F3D 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P3 
800D24ED 0030
880D24ED 0000 

D0064F3D 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P3 
800D24F5 0030
880D24F5 0000 

D0064F43 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P4 
800D4F6D 0030
880D4F6D 0000 

D0064F43 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P4 
800D4F75 0030
880D4F75 0000 

Caverns Level Codes  

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P1 
800C57ED 0030
880C57ED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P1 
800C57F5 0030
880C57F5 0000 

D0064F37 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P2 
800C826D 0030
880C826D 0000 

D0064F37 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P2 
800C8275 0030
880C8275 0000 

D0064F3D 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P3 
800CACED 0030
880CACED 0000 

D0064F3D 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P3 
800CACF5 0030
880CACF5 0000 

D0064F43 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P4 
800CD76D 0030
880CD76D 0000 

D0064F43 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P4 
800CD775 0030
880CD775 0000 

Egyptian Level Codes 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P1 
800F27ED 0030
880F27ED 0000 

D0064F31 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P1 
800F27F5 0030
880F27F5 0000 

D0064F37 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P2 
800F526D 0030
880F526D 0000 

D0064F37 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P2 
800F5275 0030
880F5275 0000 

D0064F3D 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P3 
800F7CED 0030
880F7CED 0000 

D0064F3D 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P3 
800F7CF5 0030
880F7CF5 0000 

D0064F43 0030   No Clipping (X-Coordinate) P4 
800FA76D 0030
880FA76D 0000 

D0064F43 0030   No Clipping (Z-Coordinate) P4 
800FA775 0030
880FA775 0000


Dam - Right Hand                          800D37D3 00__
Dam - Left Hand                           800D3B7B 00__
Facility - Right Hand                     800B6BD3 00__