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With the muted, quiet, & noiseless silence of a falling tree...

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A little about Jim...

  • Name: Jim Robert Engstrom
  • Born: 06/13/1965 (With twin sister Sue Ellen Engstrom)
  • Home: Minneapolis, MN
  • Wife: Lisa Kay Engstrom
  • Kids: Jessica Rae & Joshua Robert Engstrom


  • Bible passages: 2nd Peter 1:5-11, James 1:22-25
  • Movies: Raiders Of The Lost Ark, The Man From Snowy River, The Matrix, Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings...
  • Music: Anything Disco! Yeah Baby!!!! Rock, Bluegrass, Blues, Jazz, Classical
  • Composer: Mozart (Mozart is music)
  • Beverage: Coke in a glass (with ice)
  • Food: Italian (Fettucini Alfredo)
  • Coffee: Sumatra (Black)

    Some thoughts...
  • "For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who observes his face in a mirror;
    for he observes himself and goes away and at once forgets what he looks like."
    James 1:23&24 (The Bible)

  • "If you think about it, not all history is in the past."
    Jim Engstrom (Random Thought #16)

  • "Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive . . . .
    It wouldn't be half so interesting if we knew all about everything, would it? There'd be no scope for the imagination then, would there?"
    Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables)

  • "Trust no one."
    Fox Mulder (X-files)

  • "Didn't I tell you? I changed it to trust everyone."
    Fox Mulder (X-files)

  • "A question that is asked will sometimes get an answer, but an answer given will almost always produce more questions."
    Jim Engstrom (Random Thought #8)

  • "...but when the taxman comes to your door, your house looks like a rummage sale, yeah"
    John Fogerty (Fortunate Son)

  • "When a Firefighter is not using an axe, does the axe become useless? No! Just because it is used less does not indicate uselessness.
    The Firefighter should not try to use the axe on a door that's already open just to make the axe feel like it's still part of the team.
    Instead a Firefighter uses the tools that are supplied, for the purposes that they are made.
    Just as God uses each of us in unique ways."
    Jim Engstrom (Random Thought #63)