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Kill BARNEY (and have fun doing it!)

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days Since Graduation

  1. Do you think your stupid?
  2. Do people tell you that your stupid??
  3. Do you think STAR WARS really happened?
  4. Are you a proud communist??
  5. Have you ever ran down your school halls spraying pepper spray??
  6. When you get mad do you get freakish strength and rip doors of the wall??
  7. Have you ever locked yourself in your locker and refused to tell anyone the combo??
  8. Do you eat cat-food because it tastes good??
  9. Have you ever thrown a pad-lock at someones head??
  10. Do you belive that your an "IMPERIAL OFFICER"??
  11. Have you ever found yourself saying "IT AINT NO THING BUT A CHICKEN-WING"?
  12. Do people think that your the "FOURTH" Hanson??
  13. Do you use your school bag as a garbage can??
  14. Have you ever been yelled at by a big fat man for calling his daughter "WIDE TARGET"
  15. Do people think your mom is cooler than you?
  16. When you drive by do people sing "WE CAN DRIVE IT HOME WITH ONE HEADLIGHT"??
  17. Do you constantly blame being late on "I HAD TO PUT AWAY MY FLUTE"???
  18. Have you ever blamed being late on "WELL, WE HAD TO CHANGE THE KITTY-LITTER"??
  19. Do you find that you are constantly late and give stupid excuses'??
  20. Do you BELIEVE that URANUS is south of Denver??
  21. Is your motto: "Some where under the rainbow"??
  22. Have you ever thought of "TAPPING THE OTHER ROCKIES"??
  23. Have you been wondering why CURT COBANE/NARVANA hasn't came out with any new songs??
  24. Are you wondering who is CURT COBANE, and who is NARVANAfamous narvana tune
  25. Is your nickname "BIRDIE" (because your an awesome badmitten player)??
  26. Have you ever thought why do I care how stupid I am??
  27. Is your motto "All Work And No Play Make Homer Something, Something, Something"??
  28. Do you go around singing "You Can Ring My Bell, Ring my bell"??
  29. Do you talk to yourself in the mirror and say "I PARDON YOU!!!"???
  30. Have you ever seen the movie "GATTICA"???
  31. Are you a CHEESE HEAD? (answer truthfully!!)
  32. Is tinkie-winkie your favorite telle-tubby??
  33. Do you have mutant thumb's??
  34. Are you a job-less genetic counslor??
  35. Are you a girl that thinks your "PRETTY FLY FOR A WHITE GUY"???
  36. Is your bum name "OSCAR"
  37. Has a "Frenchie" ever stole your girl friend??
  38. Are you an "inturn" that gets "gifts"???
  39. Have you ever tryed to stabb someone with chopsticks??
  40. Are you a "CURT RAMBUS" wanna be??
  41. Do you think that the Y2K bug can be solved with bug spray???
  42. When you go jogging do people yell" RUN, FOREST RUN"???
  43. Are you one of those people that paid to see a movie and left after the STAR WARS preview??
  44. When you say someting stupid and people yell at you, DO you say "DO I LOOK SMART TO YOU"??
  45. Have you ever had your shirt stuck in your braces?
  46. Are you a MERVIN'S CALIFONIA freak job??
  47. Is your favorite saying "DON'T BLOCK THE BLESSIN'S"???
  48. When someone asks your Ma "Who's his Father?" she says "He doesn't have one." and she means it Literaly. Well has that ever happened to you?
  49. When asked about your Job do you say "The Skills Pay the Bills"???
  50. Are you a burnt out teenager with a mutant forehead?
  51. Are you constantly asking people "Do you want cheese on THAT???
  52. Do you like that song "summer girls" by LFO
  53. Is your Nickname "Butt Ram"??
  54. Have you ever said "Nothing Can Move the (your name here)"??
  55. Is it imposible for you to hold a conversation without talking about magic cards??
  56. Is your Motto in Life "Everyone F*cks everyone, Its the nature of the beast"??
  57. Are you a fat person that cracks fat jokes about other fat people???
  58. Is your only Come-Back line "Go eat your Tounge!"?
  59. Are you the Idiot that let the dogs out??
  60. When doing fake stocks for Economics class do you invest in playboy and viagra just to be funny?
  61. Are you obsessed with making your yearbook cover change colors?
  62. Have you brought a gaming magazine to school everyday...for 4 years!!!????
  63. Do you peel out of the school parking lot to look cool?
  64. Do you fart and say... "Safety First!" ?
  65. Can you make your face beet red and growl like an insane chawahwah?
  66. Do you pump crap outta boats as your job?
  67. Do you consider yourself a warhammer master?
  68. Does capturing all the Pokemon consume your life?
  69. When you know you've done something stupid do you get mad when people point it out?
  70. Is your Nick-Name "Rainbow No-Neck"...?
  71. Do you stink up the whole school bus every morning and Every Afternoon Too?!?
  72. Are you 300+lbs and wear shirts that say "Hottie" on them??
  73. Are you going going back back to Cali?
  74. Do people think that your Jim Morrison's Love child??
  75. Have you ever brought a lazer pointer to a rock Concert and had the lead singer tell you (personally) to shove it up your a**???

    SCORING Count how many yes's
    1-2 = You are only as stupid as you want to be
    3-4 = You are stupid and looking for ways to show it
    5-6 = Stupid things come to you naturaly
    7-8 = Your too stupid to realize your stupid
    9-10 = You need to be protected from your own stupidity
    11-12 = Your stupidity rivals HOMER SIMPSON
    13+ = Congratulations! You have successfully become ONE with the Stupidness!

    Note from Luke Nukem (The Man In Charge) This site contains tons of st. croix real-life situations. Also this site is awesome if you view it with Microsoft Internet explorer. One last thing read enjoy, New questions arrive when they happen so I'll keep a look out.

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