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Last Updated: June 15th!!!!

Hey Everyone. Sorry about the huge break in updates. I've had frantic email problems, as well as RL, and School related stuff going on as well.

My little mixup with my email has cost me ninety percent of all requests sent since LAST OCTOBER!! if you have a request that's not up on the site, and you haven't heard back from me, email me again please.

Thanks for your patience!

Anyway, welcome to the site where you, as fans, can claim to keep, or guard an item of Harmony's. Now, it takes creativity, and a love for the show (and possibly character) to think of claims.
Harmony is one of those characters who most people love. In the episodes she's been in, from "The Harvest" to "Real Me", she's always entertaining, whether it be bitchy, whiney Harmony, or, bitchy, whiney Vampire Harmony, she's always good for a laugh.

So step on up and claim an item from Harmony. I do have certain rules:
#1: No Body parts, pretty basic dontcha think?
#2: No co-keeping, the keeping Gods frown upon that (Note from Drew, I am not insane)
#3: ..I don't have a number three. Okay, I'm done.
Please, stay a while and follow the links to where you need to be.

See what's already taken:

Use the form to stake your claim:

Or check out Archangel's keeping tips:

And finally, send any Comments, questions or marriage proposals to me, Drew, @:

This Buffy the Vampire Slayer Keeper Network site
is owned by Drew.
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