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1. To ollie place your back foot on the edge of the tail, not letting it hang off though.
2. Then put your front foot in the middle of the board.
3. Then pop your back foot up and slide your front foot forward in a quick motion.
4. Keep your front foot going forward until it gets to the nose.
5. Let your front foot reach the end of the tail and stop it then shift your weight to the front of the board.
6. Level your weight out and you should be in the air.
7. Land it just anyway you can.


1. Place your feet like this. Put your front foot kinda in the middle of the board and your back at the edge of the tail of the board but not off the edge.
2. Do an ollie, but as you are in the air push your back foot back behind you and push your front foot forward in an inward motion
3. Jump in the air as your board spins under you.
4. Catch the board in the air any way you can.
5. Then land it and ride away.
6. Note:Your board should do a complete 180 under you.


1. To do this put your feet in the ollie position.
2. Put your back foot on the edge of the board.
3. Put your front foot on the toeside edge of the board (the edge where your toes are) and have like some of your foot hanging off of the edge of the board.
4. Ollie up and turn to your right if you are skating goofy foot/ turn to your left if you are skatin regular.
5. As you are turning swing your arms to your right (goofy) or left (regular) to get the spin going better.
6. Keep on turning till you do a 180 and try to keep the board under you. When you are practicing you will probably not land this until a while because it takes forever to figure out how to land it perfectly. You will probably have the board come out from under you lots of times.
7. If you can get the board to stay under you then try to land it.
8. If you land it you should now be skating switch stance.


1. Position your feet in the ollie position with your front foot almost pointing toward the front of the board.
2. Ollie and turn your body (left if goofy - right if regular) as far as you can with your board until you've landed.
3. If you've gone to far, don't spin as much - If you've gone to little, spin harder.
4. Land and ride away. Practice these off curbs without ollieing very high - you will soon get this.


1. When you ollie you would normally just kick your front foot out to the tip of the board and stop. Well on a kickflip you do an ollie but instead of just kicking to the nose you kick off the board and to the side a little bit.
2. You just do an ollie, but your front foot keeps on sliding to the nose of the board and off.
3. When your foot gets to the tip of the board kick it off to the nose and the side*.
4. *If you are goofy footed your right foot would go off the right side of the board. If you are regular footed, your left foot would go off the left side of the board.
5. When the board is spinning try to stay above the board. Then land on it.
6. Try starting with your back foot on the far tail, and your front foot on the back screws, get the spin down, then move your front foot closer to the nose.


1. Ride along at a slow to medium speed.
2. Position your back foot on the edge of the tail and your front foot in the middle of the board.
3. First ollie, then when you're in the air, kick your foot out in front of you to spin the board.
4. Let the board spin a complete 360 then catch it with both feet.
5. Try to land on top of the bolts to prevent cracks or breaks.
6. Then land and ride away - it is also easy to do these standing still on flat ground or the grass.

 f/s 180 KICKFLIP

1. It's best to learn this trick on flat ground before trying it over a gap or off a ramp. You should already know how to do ollie kickflips and frontside 108 ollies well.
2. While rolling forward, make sure that your front toe is behind your front bolts, and is on the tip of the tail almost hanging off your toe edge. (your feet placement should be in the 360 flip position.
3. As you begin to ollie, smack your tail down as hard as you can. At the same time your front foot should be kicking down and in back of you, kind of like a spread eagle kicking motion.
4. Try to jump up as high as your can, while flinging your front toe off the nose, making the board flip underneath you between your legs.
5. While in the air, you should be turning your body 180 degrees. Watch your board as it comes around and catch it with your feet.
6. Once you feel it hit your feet, that's your signal to push it down to the ground. Ride away and say "Fuck Yo!"


1. Ride switch at a medium to fast speed while riding fakie.
2. Lean forward a little bit and ollie.
3. This trick will take a little practice. I would recommend practicing switch ollies before you attempt the nollie.

Some stuff was stolen from Axoskate so please visit it.