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Are you just starting? Do you want to learn how to skateboard without getting pissed off? Well, just stick around for a while, I will try to teach you. If you are going to use this, please E-mail me.

  • Equipment
      Well, in order to skateboard, you need to get a skateboard. I wouldn't recommend getting one that is really good for right now, just buy someones old skateboard from them, but don't get a cheap one, like the ones you see in Wal-Mart and Target!

  • Get the feel of it
      Now that you have your skateboard, you must get the feel of it. Just try riding down a little hill, then try turning. When you are able to turn, try stoping. To stop, just lean back a ways on your skateboard until your tail touches the ground. Now that you can Stop, Turn, and Ride the skateboard, try pushing it with your foot. It doesn't matter what way you ride, but I recommend that you push with your back foot (non-mongo)

  • Try some tricks
      Now you think that you are pretty good at riding a skateboard right? Well, now it's time for you to learn some simple and basic tricks.

      1.) - Try a manual (a wheelie on your back wheels) and see how far you can go. To do a manual, just lean back while you move only a little bit. You will soon get the hang of it.

      2.) - If you can do a manual, then it's time to learn the 360 manual (a 360 on your two back wheels) Ride in a manual then as you start slowing down, rotate your body backwards until you get around to a 360. This trick takes a little practice, but once you get the hang of it your ready for the Ollie.

      3.) - Ahh, the Ollie, the most performed trick around and certainly the most important. The ollie is pretty fun to do, because you can always get a lot better at it. Ride at a normal speed, then put your back foot on the tail, and your front foot in the middle. When your ready, push down on the tail fairly hard and slide your foot that is in the middle up towards the nose. You should have lifted right in the air! (*note: this trick is easier to learn by standing still on flat ground or on the grass)