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       JSC “Knyazhpogost Fibreboard Plant”  -   Êíÿæïîãîñòñêèé çàâîä ÄÂÏ ¹39

Official address: JSC “Knyazhpogost Fibreboard Plant”, 35 Vymskaya St., Emva-2,Komi Republic, 169200, Russia, CIS

Moscow representative office                                                                         e-mail: for Mr. Lomakin Alexander


Hot news

We join to FEROPA as permanent member in 16 June 2000 in General assambly in Riga. We are the former of Russian harboard industry. In March 2000 was founded Russian Wood-based panel Association. "Zavod DVP" Ltd is the founder .

Our factory produce two types of hardboards  

  • standard hardboard
  • tempered hardboard

One of the biggest hardboard wet process producers scince 1972 in Russia is proud to present:

"diplomaed in 1998 "100 best consumer goods from Russia"   standard hardboard & tempered hardboard

GOST 4598-90 appl 1

Compilance certificate ÐÎÑÑ.RU.0001.11 ÄÌÇ1 ¹ 01861873 valid till 31.12.1999

Gigienic certificate ¹ 040 01 17 536 Ï 00087 Å 7 issued 31.12.97 valid till 24.12.2000 &  phytosanitary certificate ¹ 31-051

Phisicochemical properties standard hardboard tempered hardoard
*  Unique
 technological process
 & high quality 
raw material
 allow o except usage of
 phenolphormaldehyde glue.
Bending strenght, MPa 38,8 53,1
Density, kg/m3 941,0  1 020,0
Thikness swelling on 24 hrs, % 16,1 8,4
Moisture content on 24 hrs, % 8,8 4,9
Moisture content, % 5,5  4,6 
Thkness, mm(+/-0,2) 3,2
Phormaldehyde desordtion (t=20*C), mg/m3 0,00*
Phenol desorbtion (t=20*C), mg/m3 0,00*

Plate formate (mm):

2 745 x 1 700 x 3,2 (main 90 % of output);    490 x 290 x 3,2 (sale now !!!)       We can make cut-to-size.

Photo galary

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