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1973 University of Oregon, Eugene: Festival of the Arts: Two Visions: Science & Art; workshop, lectures, performances; sponsored by the Drama-Speech Department;
January 14-21

1973 Palomar College Cormnunity Services Program, San Marcos, Ca.; Festival of New Music & Art; workshop, lectures, performances; May 15-18

1975 SUNY-Fredonia: SUNY University-wide Student Composers' Festival: conferences, discussions, performances; April 30- May 1

1975 Moorhead State University, MN,: Sensing Workshop in Perception; workshop, lectures, performances; April 12-16

1976 Michigan State University, E. Lansing: Bicentennial Festival; workshop, lectures, performances & premiere of Ringings

1977 Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY: lectures, performances; October 7-13

1977 Vortex Theatre, Albuquerque, NM: Grant from the New Mexico Arts Council to compose & direct a composition-performance in connection with a simultaneous broadcast-live theatre event: Perishable Live Plants; rehearsals, performances; also: a performance-poetry event with poet Jackson MacLow (University of New Mexico); September 12-24

1978 University of Illinois, Urbana:
(a) Lectures, workshop, performances, including premiere of Whole Language Language for the American Society of University Composers conference;
(b) Broadcast: a two-hour discussion-performance on broadcasting a broadcast, with Perry Goldstein, station WILL; March 6-17

1979 Cornish Institute of The Arts, Seattle: workshop, lectures, performances; April 26- May 1

1980 San Diego State University, San Diego: lectures, workshops, performances; September 26, 1979; March 17-21, 1980

1981 University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C.: lectures, performances (including a 2-hour presentation at the Open Space Gallery); March 14-19

1981 University of Georgia, Athens:
(a) 1 of 5 speakers on the topic: Relativism in the Arts, sponsored by the Literature
Department; lectures, critiques, discussions; premiere: Concerning Commonness & Other Conceptual Dysfunctions; April 8-10;
(b) guest, Department of Music; seminars; April 11-13

1981 University of Illinois, Urbana: Seminar: Readings in Compositional Linguistics; critique student performances of New Music; April 15-19

1981 University of Iowa, Iowa City: lectures, seminars, performances, individual work with student composers; April 20-26

1982 Rutgers University: Douglass College, NJ: performances, lectures; March 7-10

1982 University of Wisconsin, Madison: readings, lectures; April 27-30

1982 Hartt College, Hartford, CT: critiques of student works; performances; March 3-4

1983 Universfty of Southern California, LA: sponsored by the department of Performing Arts; performances, seminars, critique of student compositions; January 10-25

1983 University of Iowa, Iowa City: Electronic Music Studio; classes, lectures, performance; January 27-May 6

1983 Union College, Schenectady, NY: sponsored by the Drama/Music Departments; workshop in movement, stagecraft, experimental theater; May 8-22

1985 Mills College, Oakland, Ca., (Milhaud Chair): Seminars in Performance & Compositional Linguistics; individual work with students (diverse areas); lectures, performances; February 23-March 21

1985 Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY: composition seminar; lectures; May 2-5

1985 University of California, San Diego: Lecture, Performance, Video Project; May 10-15

1985 Kansas City Conservatory of Music (University of Missouri): I5th Annual Electronic Music Festival; lecture, discussions, seminar; October 9-13

1986 Long Beach State University, Ca.; SCREAM Festival; Nov.6-8; Guest composer; tapes played (e.g., RE-RUN); and daily lectures given, in general on Experimental (Electronic) Compositional Processes

1987 Invitation: University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada; to provide views on the rehearsals of Gaburo's MALEDETTO (Composition for Seven Virtuoso Speakers), and to be present on the occasion of its public presentation

1987 At the invitation of several universities sponsored by the Australian Arts Council, the following residencies took place during the period July, August:
