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Je pense; donc, je suis.

Even if we ask for it or not, sometimes life gives us a second chance.

And with these chances one must make the best of what is given and go full steam ahead. It was about 9 months ago that Cage left the UPW in complete awe when he dropped all of his titles and mysteriously quit in front of thousands of onlookers.

They looked on, and on, and on as Cage left the ring, got into his car and drove off with no explaination. He failed to return calls the next day and as no shows began to pile up, so did the decision to officially take the Grand Slam Champion off their roster list. And like that, without explaination, Cage disapeared from television and the company never to been seen or heard from again. Until now that is.

Fade in;

Our television screens are greeted with a familar face as the millions of those watching are in complete shock from what they're witnessing right before their eyes. Former World Heavyweight Champion, National Heavyweight Champion, and Tag Team Champion, Cage stares blankly towards us as if he were looking each and every one of us straight in the eye. During this, the only thing being heard is the slight buzzing of the room lights. Yes, it's certainly been awhile and much has happened since our former champion left the UPW mysteriously. A new champion, new roster and as well, with this return, new questions to answer. Just where is one to start? His glare continues to haunt us as he never blinks once during the rolling of the film.


Flashes of UPW's Unrestricted cross our screens; the big annoucment, the dropping of both the tag team belts and Heavyweight Title to the ring floor, the exit, the confused crowd, the confused wrestlers. As he walked backstage, he knew he was free. No more interviews to give, promos to cut and certainly no fans. He had craved an exit from this for awhile now. This isn't what he entered wrestling for; this certainly wasn't the place he wanted to be. Especially since moving constantly started to strain his relationship with his wife... and his child. So, he left it all behind. All of it. Only to come back to same sport he had scorned earlier at what some people would say was the peak of his career. Soon, his silence is broken with his voice in a monotone manner.. He begins.

Cage: October 20th, 2002. Wrestling pundits and historians alike speculated that it was the apogee of my career. That after my World Heavyweight Title win, and becoming a Grand Slam Champion, Cage just couldn't go any higher. (smirks) To that I beg to differ. When I left the UPW, I still kept and secretive eye. I watched my beloved Heavyweight title fall into the hands of one pitiful wrestler to the next. Passed like some second-rate salad tray to the likes of Chris Johnston, my dear friend David Brujah, then my former mentor Ebon.. or Alex Grand as he is known as now. (smirks) The memories only seem like yesterday..

Like yesterday. How sweet the memories are. Cage begins to smile to himself as the camera keeps its position. We have no idea what background is behind him, or any idea of just who is accompanying him at this point of time. But none of that seems to matter; either because Cage chooses to be the center of attention or the individual, or individuals lurking behind him aren't important. Cage's face quickly turns to one of seriousness.

Cage: ..So knowing this, wrestling pundits continue to ask themselves: "when shall Cage in fact return to the UPW and obtain what's righfully his?" Isn't the real question why the UPW hasn't seen someone of my calibre since I've left? Vince McCloud, though under the push of the UPW staff, couldn't even pack a house show if he invited everyone he knew and Alex Grand hasn't been the same since I left months ago. So as I sit here and watch the dregs of the wrestling world beat each other up mercifully I can only ask myself, where am I in all this? Well, all shall come to pass days from now when the fruits of my labor shall reveal itself. In front of millions of people, I shall soon make my return to the UPW - as things shall take a horrible turn for the worst for the elitist pigs of the UPW; and that's just its front office I'm talking about. But this isn't the point I'm trying to convey here. It's more of 3 questions many want to know: One; just why did Cage drop all he had on At Unrestricted October 20th 2002, a day of celebration, and simply walk away from it all? Two; how is that a man can drop in mere seconds material things that takes others their entire careers to obtain? and three; what makes Cage tick? Let me ask you - when one is surrounded by mediocrity, do they not seek competition elsewhere? When one is bored, do they not seek amusement? And when one has everything one can have, do they not lose desire for their posessions?

Clips of Cage's past fill our screens as we witness the punishing matches he's taken part in within his career. Hardcore matches, Championship Matches, Stipulation Matches - the list goes on. But none of them seem to compare with his past in the UPW where he has seen most of his success as more UPW clips are shown before our eyes. In each clip, the eyes and the foaming mouths of the people he fights to put a show on for roar in excitement with each crashing chair blow, each slam, each illegal move and each victory and loss. As quick as we witness all of this is as quick as we're brought back to our current scene of Cage's zombie like eyes staring at each and every one of us as he continues to speak.

Cage: I went to the top of the UPW ranks faster than one could imagine. A weekly main eventer, a Grand Slam champion who was challenged on a daily basis by the UPW's top, though highly debated, wrestlers. And by my side I had a wife and kids who then happened to leave me when things went dry. So I get a phone call - it's Max A Million from the UPW staff. He makes me an offer I cannot resist by offering to make the UPW my own personal play pen if I return and giving me a shot at a title that's rightfully mine.. See, Max understands what sells. So he searched far and wide, left and right, up and down, high and low and low and behold, he found Cage. Some say it was a reunion made for T.V while others say it could spell the end of the industry as we know it. (smirks)

He breaks into psychotic laughter as he skips onto his next point.

Cage: But what about those who booed me nightly? Celebrated my parting from the UPW by throwing trash at me as I left? And especially, what about those I let down: societies undesirables, the tortured, the suffering and weak? The ones who depended on me to give them a voice since they had none of their own? Well.. they say that every hero falls or dies; it happened to Superman in the hands of Doomsday and it happened to Robin on many occassions. But in each instance, each came back reborn.. And my rebirth shall begin with you Alex Grand and your cult following; your willingness to please your adoring fans.. fans who could care less if you were to end your career in a wheelchair. It's your will to please that makes you continue to do so. It's your inability to see things for what they really are that cloud your judgement; and it is your complete utter idiocy that the people of the UPW, it's staff, crave. The events that took place on Delirium were only the tip of the iceberg as more attacks upon your body and mine SHALL be planned and executed.

A familiar voice is quickly heard in the background in joyful laughter as the camera moves away from Cage to catch Craig Allen leading against the outside frame of the door smiling excitedly. Making his way to our former Champion, Craig slaps his arm around the back of Cage's shoulder as Cage looks on disapprovingly.

Craig Allen: Ah yes, if it isn't the mighty Cage. This has been quite the return gift since my return from my vacation I must say. I see big things for you dear Cage in your future. BIG things. Just as long as you don't forget who's in charge of the organization of course.

Craig Allen: And I know what you're thinking: "Craig's going to screw me over as always!" but not this time dear friend! I've got BIG plans for you. And those plans begin with you and Alex Grand in a match. C'est bon n'est pas? (laughs) It took me a long time to pratice that!

Cage doesn't seem amused.

Craig Allen: Smile a little! You're back in the UPW ready to continue where you left off dear Cage. Surely being away from wrestling didn't make you THAT depressed!

Feeling he's walking on thin ice, Craig backs down his authoritative stance holding up his hands to either assure Cage he is not around to start anything, or protecting himself from any quick moves Cage has in store. He once again assures Cage, now verbally, things are cool.

Craig Allen: Okay, okay.. I'm feeling your discomfort. I just came to welcome you back home! I will leave you in peace now. Just remember an Alex Grand vs. Cage match would make millions! Think business! Also, I've been hearing some rumors that you've been talking to someone in this organization about business specifically business that I do not agree with. Now you know what I'm talking about as does this other person. Though I am against it, I realize there isn't much I can do about it. But, we shall speak later. I bid you adieu Cage.

Allen sneaks in one last word before walking off.

Craig Allen: Oh, and smile a little will ya?

Now alone with the camera once again, our soon to be champ leaves us with final words.

Cage: Alex, I have come back to reopen closed wounds; I've come back now as the teacher and not the student like once before. I've come back, for what's rightfully mine. Let it be known you're path has been chosen, thus your journey begins. That is all.