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Group History

Destiny's Child Group History

*All this information came from the Official Destiny's Child hompage.

Managed by Music World Management's Mathew Knowles, who's responsible for putting them on the fast track to stardom, the down-to-earth members of Destiny's Child have come a long way since forming the group in their pre-teens. LaTavia and Beyoncè have been with the group since its 1990 inception. Kelly joined the group in 1992 and LeToya completed the line-up in 1993. Although they were merely nine- and ten years-old at the time, amazing things began happening for Destiny's Child once the line-up was in-place. As the group progressed, voices were honed and stage presence and style were developed, leading up to the consummate, very feminine, tastefully sensual image they project today. Back then, as they do now, Destiny's Child displayed amazing talent that was advanced far beyond their still tender years. They often performed for young as well as older audiences in and around Houston, amassing a large, cross-generation fan base in the process. However, things didn't always run smooth. Indeed, working their way to the top has had its set-backs. One of Houston's hottest home town attractions, Destiny's Child eventually found themselves sharing stages with some of the biggest acts in the business. It was just about 3 years ago that Destiny's Child signed with Columbia Records. "That was our turning point and we all knew it", Beyoncè says. "So when it was time to make our album, we never looked back. We were so glad to finally have the opportunity that all of the problems of the past seemed to disappear". Destiny's Child encompasses four distinct voices seamlessly blending to make the whole seem greater than its extremely gifted individual parts. Kelly's vocal diversity and broad range serves best on the up-tempo front, although she can throw down with the best of them on ballads. LaTavia holds down the bottom, with her rich, deep sassy tones. LeToya's crystal shattering soprano is awesome and soars over several tracks. And Beyoncè, who sings most of the leads, owns one of her generation's strongest, most distinctively memorable voices, which by all accounts is saturated in silk, satin and serious soul.
