Flyer KK Survival!

Car Survival Kit!

After a couple and their young children became lost in the mountains of Oregon in the fall of 2006, I found myself urging friends and family to make sure they had the proper safety and survival equipment in the trunk of their cars at all times. But some folks figured they didn't need that stuff because they never drive in isolated areas.

However, a recent blizzard in Kansas and Nebraska stranded dozens of motorist overnight on an interstate. Most of these folks probably thought they were far from entering into a survival situation, driving past billboards and gas stations at every exit. However, having your car stuck in deep snow 2 miles from the next travel plaza at night in a blizzard on an interstate IS a survival situation.

IMPORTANT: Whenever you leave the house, take your cell phone with you and leave it on! (Plug it into your car charger) Mine has GPS. You can be tracked down later even if you didn't make a call.

Always carry a strap or rope designed for towing. Even in summer, you can get stuck in a ditch. Any passerby with a 4X4 can pull you out, but may not have the rope themselves.

ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS dress for the weather forecasted! If you are going out for a nice dinner and it's going to snow, put some winter jackets and a pair of boots in a duffle bag in the trunk.

A bag of cat litter should be in the trunk any time ice and snow are in the forecast. Litter under the tires may give you traction if you are stuck.

I have the LL Bean car emergency kit (1 ft. sq. in size) in my truck:

--carrying case folds out as a fleece blanket

--orange safety vest


--LCD flashlight (just shake! never needs batteries!)

--LCD red flashing beacon

In addition, I keep these items stored inside a small duffle bag mesuring 16" long, in the cargo area of my truck .

--3 road flares

--Nylon tow strap

--jumper cables

--Pocket knife


--Handheld Spot Light (plugs into lighter)

--Whistle (plastic, since metal sticks to your lips!)

--Zip lock bag full of match books

--Wool Blanket (1'X 2' when folded)

--First Aid Kit (several small dressings, roll of gauze, Band-aids, butterfly closures, burn cream, antibacterial wipes, waterproof First aid tape, hockey tape, superglue, safty pins.

--fleece pullover

--cheap ski gloves

--wind pants and a wind jacket



--small snow shovel

--extra boots (if not wearing them)

--Bottled water (do not leave in trunk)

--snack bars

--Note pad and pens

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