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Welcome to the S.S. Ferine Sarafyn. Make yourself comfortable in the passenger lounge. Browse through the data base for information or current events in "the galaxy next door". The holosuite is behind you and to the left.

This site is undergoing a long awaited overhaul. The last update was in 2006. Links to subpages and off-site links should be working. If you find a link that doesn't work please
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I am revising this website. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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References to various individuals, and, inclusion of links and research material does not imply endorsement by the cited individuals, web sites, publishing companies or authors. Published references, print and electronic, and appropriate notations are cited as a courtesy to sources of research and inspiration. This site is not a recruiting station for any agency (real or imaginary). This site intends to entertain and inform both the curious and those aspiring to be authors of science fiction. Authors are obligated to develop credibility and plausibility with their readers.

Originally created December 1999

Update in progress July 2014

Copyright © 1999-2014 by Lea K. Wellner All Rights Reserved.