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T/those That Have Touched my Heart

~i have been apart of this world for such a short time. So many people come and go, but i would like to take a few moments and acknowledge the O/ones that have touched my submissive heart. i want Y/you to know that i love E/each of Y/you dearly. S/some that i mention are no longer around. But they will forever be in my heart.~

~Master Firm~

my wonderful Master, You indeed have touched my heart deeply. Through Your guidance i have come so far, learned so much about myself. Through Your training, i have evolved into a confident submissive. Thank You for claiming me as Your own, i never could have come this far without You. i love You with all of my heart and soul.


my sweet sis sandi, you have been there for me since the first day that i walked into the room. we hit it off quickly and have been the best of friends and sisters ever since. No matter what you were doing or W/who you were with, you were always there for me. i know that i can always depend on you. i love you, sandi.


sis, we have been through so much together. From laughing and joking in the room. To crying together in our private chats. We have seen each other through our ups and downs, always trying to make the other smile. Know that i'm always here for you.


Sir, if feels like W/we met so very long ago. Perhaps it's just that i've come so far from the shy _kathryn that i once was. Your Friendship has come to mean so much me. You have always been there, offering an ear or a shoulder. It was because of kindness like Yours that i stayed in a world that at times i felt so lost in. Thank You for everything.


Gray, my dear Friend. Thank You for always being there, for looking out for me. Thank You for the love and support that You have always shown to me. It's good to know that i have You in my corner. Your strength and words of wisdon have helped me more than You will ever know.


i remember the first time we met in the room. you were so full of questions. *giggles* you had me up in icq or pm forever going back and forth. Giving me a hard time telling me i typed too slow. And look at you now, you have evolved into a beautiful submissive. you have touched my heart sis, know that i love you and i'm always here for you.


sis, we have laughed and cried together. we have always been there for each other. you are a wonderful sister, friend, and submissive. i'm so very happy that you found what you were seeking. and even though i do not see you very much anymore. i will never forget you, you are special to me and i will always be here for you. you are forever a part of my heart.

~Mistress of Fire~

Your Friendship, love, and support has come to mean so much to me. You always look out for us lil ones, You are always there when we need You. You give of Yourself so unselfishly to T/those You love. Thank You for being such a special person in my life.

~MasterMystery & sprouty~

Y/you B/both mean so very much to me. Y/your love and commitment to E/each O/other is an inspiration to U/us A/all. Thank Y/you for being a constant in my life. Y/you have helped me more than Y/you will ever know. For that i am forever grateful. my friendship, love, and support belongs to Y/you forever.


You are a very dear Friend to me. You always bring a smile to my face, especailly when i needed it the most. You were always there to listen and offer support and advice. You will forever have a very special place in my heart. *giggles* Mistress Kathryn sends You Her love. (just to let Y/you know, i have never been a Mistress, it's an inside joke)


sis, i love you to pieces. you are a wonderful, kind hearted, giving, loving person. and i'm so very grateful to have you in my life. you have always been there to give a hug. i don't know how you knew, but you had perfect timing. know that i am always here for you. Thank you for everything treasure.


*smiles at you* i'm so very happy that you finally found the One that completes you sis. you were patient, you knew He would come. Thank you for the love and support that you have always given me breeze. you have always opened my eyes and helped me to see things in a different way. i love you sissie.

~Master Night Falkon~

Thank You for all Your words of encourgement. You and Your shirin are so important to me. i know that i could always turn to Y/you in a time of need. Y/you B/both have always offered Y/your friendship and support to me. For that i thank Y/you from the bottom of my heart.


i have turned to You many times for advice. And You have always been there to listen. You always gave honest opinions, told it to me straight. i have always had the highest respect for You. i will treasure Your Friendship always. Thank You for everything.


we have grown so close together in such a short amount of time. yet i feel like i've known you forever. you are always there when i need a hug, a smile, a friendly face. we have always been there for each other, helped each other through some hard times. your time for happiness is coming sis. tess, i love you and i'm always here for you.


dear sweet kat, your bubbling personality always brings a smile to my face. we have just recently come into each others life. but a bond has developed quickly between us. you have come so far so quickly in your submission. and i know that you will continue to grow and blossom. you were meant for this life sis.


Sir, i'm so very happy that You found Your kat. and that she brings You such joy and love. Y/you will always have a special place in my heart. You are a dear Friend to me. i miss the days of mplayer, and hope one day W/we A/all return there.


i met You when i first started coming to yahoo. You touched my heart in a special way with Your kindness to me. You always made me feel special, You made me feel like i belonged here. Even when i was not always so certain about that. You are a true Worthy, Master Shy. Thank You for Your Friendship and support that You have given to me. i will treasure it always.


Huggles and huggles you, just because i know how much you love them. Thank you for all the laughter, for all the joy that you brought to my life. you would always cheer me up when i was feeling down. and although i don't see you much, i will never forget you. you touched my heart in a special way.


you are a kind, giving, loving, wonderful person. i'm thankful that i know you and have you in my life. i remember when i was new and seeking information and you gave me this long list of sites to go to. *giggles* i thought oh my gosh, what have i gotten myself into? i am so happy that you found the happiness that you seek sis. you are very special to me and i love you.


You touched my heart with Your kindness and generosity. i know that i drove You crazy while i was trying to download cheeta and Y Chat...*giggles* But You walked me through step by step. You are a special Person, and i hope that You find the one that completes You. Thank You for all that You have given me.


LadyNight, You know that i love You dearly. You are so kind and giving to T/those You care about. i thank You for giving me Your Friendship. It means more to me than You will ever know. You have watched me blossom into the submissive that i have become. And knowing that You are proud of me, brings me such happiness.


You are a wonderful Woman, without even really knowing me. You opened Your arms and offered me Your Friendship. W/we B/both love sandi so much, that somehow...W/we automatically formed a bond between U/us. my friendship, love, and support belong to You forever. Thank You for everything. For loving sandi and making her happy, i am forever in Your debt.


MOC, You were there for me more times then i can count. With Your wit and humor You brought a smile to my face. Made me laugh when i wanted to cry. You my Friend will always have a special place in my heart. i miss You and hope that You and Your bady girl are doing well. You are always in my heart, thoughts, and prayers.


sis, you are one in a million. Thank you for all the laughter you bring to my life. Even when we are down, it seems we end up laughing. you have come a long way in your submission charished. i've watched you grow and change. i wish you and Dom4Fun, all the love and joy Y/your hearts can hold on Y/you journey together. know that i love you and i'm always here for you.


you touched my heart the first day i met you. you are so kind and funny. you were always looking for trouble, pouncing and huggling E/everyone. we quickly became good friends, and were always there for each other. we always knew that we could count on each other. i still have the dove anklet you gave me, so i carry a part of you with me everyday. i love you sissie.


You have touched my heart with Your kindness and generosity. You are a true Worthy and Gentleman, i always enjoyed O/our chats in mplayer. i miss Your presense in the rooms. Hopefully one day You will be able to return more often. Until then, know that You are always in my heart, thoughts, and prayers.

~_moonlightshivers, _singing_wind, _twilight_sky, Azure, cabottrailer, Dreams_smiles, gentle__spirit, impish_devil, litl_wren, _kittie, Lord_Bloo, Lord Scholar, Master_Angel_Fire, Brads_gem, Master_Thierry, MGs_sweetlady, MistressofVenus, Ropemasters_bondageslave, luscious, SensM1_technicolor_wings, SmiLes_rissy, Spells_wicked_angel, LMPs_shay, LordMstrPisces, cherry_b, lil_kikat, MOS_Lady, and kate.

~Y/you A/all have touched my heart in one way or another. my list of F/family and F/friends could go on forever. E/each and E/every O/one of Y/you are special in Y/you own way. And Y/you have so much to give, so much to offer. i thank God for bringing me here. For allowing me to be blessed by knowing and loving Y/you.~

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