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The following is a testimony of a man I know personally. He went to the church that we used to attend before we moved. The man Dave that he talks about it my Mom's brother and a wonderful Pastor who stands up for truth and righteousness in this dark and wicked world. I hope this blesses you as it does me. Through one man's salvation I pray that many more may come to Christ. Jesus is alive and He desires that ALL men come unto Him through repentance and earnest belief!


My Testimony

My Name is Ken Lipinski. I am a Motorcycle Police officer in the City of Milwaukee. I am writing this testimony not to brag or to claim any righteousness, but rather in an effort to proclaim Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to all who may read of my tragically beautiful Testimony of how Jesus has changed me from a "Good Person" who was Lost, to a Man of God and an officer of a higher court, Heaven.

In Dec 97 My older Brother Dan received word that His wife was divorcing him and left him soon thereafter. He being broken completely came to know the Lord for his salvation and for comfort. I, at that time was not saved.

Dan, then newly filled with the Holy Spirit, begun to witness to me in a soft yet convicting manner. I gave the old usual arguments in that I was a good person, God is love and would not send me to hell and all the other excuses that we all have heard before. But, he continued to tell me of the love that Jesus has for us and that we are destined for Hell unless we accept Jesus into our hearts. He continued with this witnessing to me each time we were together.

Then, in Aug 1998. I went to work and attended Roll Call as usual. My Supervisor gave me my assignment to monitor the Gay Pride festival which was taking place at the Summerfeast Grounds. I gave the usual arguments and expressed my objections to the assignment. How little did I know that this assignment was to change my life forever.

While sitting on my Motorcycle at the corner watching, in disgust, the events unfolding before me and making sure that the preachers who were preaching on the sidewalks did not encounter and violent resistance from the festival attendees. At that time, I recognized a person who was handing out literature to personnel entering into the fair grounds. So, I drove over to him and we talked for a while.

He, Dave, asked me if I was saved. I replied that I was never lost or in any danger. He then went into a sermon of how we are lost without Jesus and that unless we accept him as our Savior, we would go to Hell when we die. Well, that was all well and good because I still knew that I was a good person. But, all that my brother Dan had said to me instantly came back to me. Then Dave did a very odd thing and Gave me a small folded piece of paper and asked me to read it. He wrote upon this piece of paper his telephone number and asked me to call him when I was saved and he would do bible study with me.

Not much later in the afternoon there, I heard a lot of commotion coming from another area where some preachers had set up a small stage and were preaching through a loud speaker. As I looked on from a distance, I could see that whatever the preachers were saying, the crowd was not pleased and were becoming uneasy. So, I drove over to that area and acted as somewhat of a buffer to help keep the peace.

While keeping to myself and observing, I couldn’t help but listen to the preachers as they spoke of the same things my brother Dan and the other man, Dave, had been telling me. I have always believed in God, but that was about the extent of my belief. But the message of salvation, which the preachers were telling us of, was starting to convict me that I, in fact, was not a good person after all and that there was nothing I could do on my own to earn my way top heaven.

Many times throughout the afternoon and into the evening, many people, I assumed from the churches of the preachers who were preaching, came to me and just talked of how Jesus had changed their lives after they were Saved/born again. Many tragic yet happy stories were told to me by complete strangers, and each one of them, different, had the same meaning; That without Christ as our Savior, we were going to Hell and that No matter what we do on this earth, there is nothing we can do that would be so good that God would allow us into heaven.

I received many bible tract and many invitations to come to church from the multiple people who had come to talk to me. But one tract did I not throw away, and that one was from Dave whom I had spoke with first. I had put that one in My wallet, only because he was watching me.

Then, as one of the preachers was talking on stage, his message was so heart touching that all I could do was listen. He spoke of How Christ gave up everything in heaven to become a Man for us. And that all we have to do is accept him as our savior and he would change us to become children of God and our lives would be changed forever. He went on to read from the bible, which I never did, and stated what Jesus himself had said in that unless you are born again, you cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. He further stated that no matter what your situation, being a homosexual, dirt poor very wealthy or anything, Jesus and Jesus alone can give you comfort and change your evil ways and make you a new creature in God; then and only when you accept Jesus will you be born again.

Well, the evening came to a close after a few festival goers created minor disruption and the preachers packed up their equipment. I then saw one preacher assist a person in jump starting her car which I thought was nice. But then I remembered that the very same girl was earlier swearing at this preacher and calling many names and proclaiming Homosexuality to be O.K. with a loving God. Then it really hit me that this preacher, even though he was treated like dirt actually had a passion for people to accept the Lord in such a way that he helped her out with her car even though she was so mean to him. Just like Jesus was so kind to everyone even though they killed him.

That evening, while driving home on my Police Motor cycle. I placed on my windshield the bible tract which Dave had given me and I had placed in my wallet. While slowly driving through the side streets on the south side of Milwaukee, I prayed to Jesus as the tract has said we should. I told the Lord that I was not completely understanding of salvation and all that is required of us. But I prayed long and hard and meaningfully that Jesus would hear my prayer and understand that I am a sinner, I am not worthy of heaven and that I believe that he is the Son of God who died for us all so that we could go to heaven. I asked Jesus to forgive me, and come into my heart. He did.

The ride home that night took about 30 minutes where it usually took (maybe) 10 minutes. Eyes tear filled and a sense of complete relaxation, I got home and knew that I was now a son of God, a Christian. Although I still did not understand all that was to change in me, I knew I was different.

The very next day, I called Dave, who knew I would call him. For the next 13 weeks, he came over once a week, around my schedule, and conducted a bible study with me and assisted me, through the guidance of Jesus, in the walk that as a Christian, as we are commanded by God to walk. Then, on the very next Sunday, I went to the Church of Acts for Sunday services. The Pastor there was the man who assisted the lady with her vehicle problems. I have been a member of this church, along with my brother Dan since then.

Did my life change? Yes. Do I still have problems in life? Yes. So how did my life change? My Lord and savior Jesus Christ has come into my heart and provided guidance, patience, love and understanding. He has been my comforter in hard times as well a good times and opened my eyes to the truth so that I no longer desired the troubles of the world but rather relied wholly upon Him. And as He promised, he has never failed me. And all I had to do was believe and trust in Him.

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