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Connecting with SmartFTP If you haven't downloaded SmartFTP, get it here (

  1. Go into the Settings, found under the Tools menu.
  2. Click on the "Connection" link.
  3. Set the retry delay to something rational (the default of 30 is fine) and the server timeout to something closer to 60. The Data Connection Mode should be set to Active, and the PORT mode can be left as Auto.

    Connection preferences

  4. Under the "Ident" menu, make sure "Enable Ident" is unchecked.

    Ident preferences

  5. You will most likely not have a Proxy, so set the Proxy type to None.

    Proxy preferences

  6. Keep Alive should be fine the way it is; it should be a reasonable interval (I believe the default is 50). The server responds correctly to the NOOP command, so you should be fine using that.

    Keep Alive preferences

  7. The important settings are going to be under the SSL tab. AUTH Mode should be set to TLS. Data connection should be set to "Clear Data Connection." The client cert option should be unchecked.

    SSL preferences

  8. Hit OK to accept these settings and return to the regular SmartFTP screen.

    The address of my server is -- enter that in the appropriate space (in the picture it says ''). You should have given me a login and password, and hopefully I created your account. Enter that login and password information in the respective areas. The port defaults to 21, and that's correct. Lastly, click on the arrow next to the word "Address" on the left side of the screen. Select the "FTP over SSL (explicit)" option.

    Login settings

That's it; you're all set up and ready to go. Keep in mind this is just a basic setup. If you have other settings that should be different (like connecting through a proxy server), I'm going to assume you also know how to work around such things. As always, let me know if you have any problems connecting to my server and I'll look into it.

**NOTE: If you're having problems with Active mode (PORT), this will allow you to use Passive mode (PASV). First, go into the Connections tab and change the Mode to "Passive Mode (PASV)." Second, make sure the "Force Server IP for PASV Mode" box is checked. Otherwise it really doesn't work around anything.