WELL--- It's update time. I had a meet in Whapeton, ND on Saturday. It was rather sad. I threw horribly, i was looking to get at least 49 feet. Turned out that my glides were just plain BAD. There is typically never much for competition at this meet, and all i needed to win was to beat a low 45 foot throw, I think it was about 45'5-6''. So, in my second throw of finals, i tossed out a 46'9.5'' power throw, and i ended up winning with that. Bacon was a close second with 46'4. And Cordes was at his lifting comp, so he was not available to throw, but Alex ended up with a 1,2 finish in the shot. Conference is this Saturday, and i'll have to hit around 50 just to place top 2 or three i think, so, i'll have to pick it back up and figure out how to get my glide down for that meet.

well, crap. I had conference on Sat. Threw really bad. didn't expect much though, I'd had a bad week in practice anyways. Minor minor flaw in the technique. Just yesterday, Monday, got the flaw fixed a little bit. Still it's not good, but way better. Tossed out some 47's, and 48's and one around a high 48 to a 49. So now i'm kinda happy again. Looking forward to a big improvement at Saturday's meet at St. John's. Then, next Tuesday, one week from today, as i'm writing this on Tuesday, is an outdoor meet first of the year, so I get to throw DISCUS!!! i like discus discus is my friend. now i'm happy. look back for details.


hmmmmm, had the meet at St. John's Saturday, again, threw like crap not at all happy with my performance. But i got third, and cordes got second, and bacon got 4th... so we got a 2,3,4 finish, so i geuss that's ok. But hey, tomorrow, Brainard/wilmar tri meet, home, outside, DISCUS... what more do i need to say????? (i'm rather excited)

ummmmm basically the meet got cancelled on Tues. so now i'm not all too happy damnit oh well

Aight..... um.. lemme see, this is Wednesday. We have a meet in Sartell tomorrow that was supposed to be a dual, but i guess Duluth East and Holdingford are all coming to it too, so there could be some solid competition. I've started to get my shot worked out a little bit in practice. throwing 47-48 consistantly now and here and there 49-50. My disc is OK. bad form but still i'm hitting 150+. basically, i feel that if i can make my form work, i'll be gettin my 170 goal, a good place at state, and the school record.. all of which would make me very very happy. But, i'm not that far along yet. so i'm lookin for 50 feet in shot, and 150 feet in disc tomorrow. i just hope the weather will be good so that we can have it and so it ain't rainin or wet or just plain crappy so that disc is hard to throw. cause then i'll be mad. but.. i'm confident and looking forward to the meet..


Well........ shot was not so good..... 46'6.5''. cordes beat me by an inch. me him and bacon went 3,4,5 again in this meet. i had fourth of course then. Disc went OK. i was tossin really fricken far in warm ups, but simply put, i took too many warm ups. i ended up with only 142, so i was a little disappointed, but i have more meets to come, and i know i can get 150 easily enough, so i'll just have to wait. we have a meet on sat. but i'm injured a bit right now.... so that will really suck some major ass. my back's been botherin me a bunch, but, i think i'll still be able to get it out there... lack of sleep will be the biggest issue, i'm working the night before and the bus will leave at 6:30 am..... but we'll just have to see how it goes.


meet is tomorrow... i slept last night for 11 hours, i'll be getting, at MOST, 3.5-4 hours tonight.... so that might be a little problem, but i'll try to sleep on the bus some. This week was a pretty good one in practice... yesterday was a lifting day and it rained, but on wed., the last throwing day, i had out of 12 or so, about 8 of my throws going over 150. so again, i'm thinkin i should be able to get it out there in shot, 1 of about 8 throws hit 49 almost 50, one more was a solid 49. the rest were just all around 47-48, but still, that's all higher than what i've had in meets so far, so maybe i'm just an underpreformer at meets... i dunno. i'll just have to give it hell on saturday, and see what happens with it.


You are now visiting the page of a conference champion, although I still threw like shit. Shot went dec as well, not good, but dec. I should have been over 50, even threw one over 50 in finals warmups, but ended up at 47 sumthin, in disc, I got first, after throwing over 160 in warmups, and a shitload of throws over 155, I ended up winning on my first nice easy make-sure-you-mark throw, at 147 sumthin....... damnit this crap can get screwy, eh? I know if your a thrower, you know what I'm talkin about.

Discus Throwers ARE STUDS!!





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