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Jason's 1967 442

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    This is my 442.  I recently bought it in March of 1998.  It's not a numbers matching car.  I bought it as a hobby car and something to cruise around in.  Before I bought it, it received a paint job (not original color) and the SSII wheels.  It has some parts out of 2 different years of 442/Cutlass besides '67.  The engine is a 1970 455 ultra high compression engine (10.5:1) topped with a 1966 Tri-Power.  It also has a rebuilt Street/Strip TH-400 transmission with 2500 stall converter sending power back to the 3:55 10-bolt posi rear end.  It has 4-wheel drum brakes and custom dual exhaust.

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    The custom exhaust was done by Performance Brake and Muffler in Blaine, Minnesota.  These guys do a lot of custom exhaust work for dealerships and classic car owners.  They gave my car a good throaty sound along with an excellent look to the backend.  I highly recommend them to anyone needing exhaust done.  They also did a full brake job along with a rear end lube.  I was ready to hit the street looking and sounding awesome.  If you want to get a hold of them their number is (763)754-8281.

    Not long after I bought the car, the tranny blew out.   So I took it down to RTC Automatics is St. Paul, Minnesota to get a rebuild.   What I really needed was a new tranny since the case and most of the innards were destroyed.  They built a custom Street/Strip tranny that gives me rubber in all 3 gears and is still driveable without getting whiplash at the shift points.   I have great power throughout the full RPM range of the motor. 

    My car needs a bit of interior work and body work yet.   Hopefully this year or next I will get it in and done at Brother's Automotive in Kansas.  I'm finally done rebuilding the motor.  Pictures to come soon.


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