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The Great AGC Feral Run!

This is site 2 out of 2 sites doing this. Ali of Albia 2000 is the first site in this. We will compare the results to see how each one went, and the similarities of them. We are each using the same Norns, and most of the same COBS. I have replaced some COBS with others since he had Life Kit 1, and I don't! :-) Many thanks to Ali for letting me into this!

COBS injected into Albia

  • Acima Albia (Mannkind)
  • Plato Project (v3) (JayD)
  • Popping Patch (JayD)
  • Volcano Garden (JayD)
  • Island of Love to Volcano Walkthrough (Albia2000)
  • Porcupine Fish (Albia2000)
  • Angel Fish (Albia2000)
  • Neptune's Undertow (JayD)
  • Bumble Ball (Albia2000)All the above
  • All program updates (Cyberlife)
  • Thir Bush (Here at the C2 side of the MNL)
  • Dancing Crystal Vendor (Frimlin)

Click on Image to download the .gen file of the norn (zipped up).
Denise (F) Jay (M) Jimbo (M)
Lis (F) Martha (F) Ping (M)
Rick (M) Slink (F) Spidey (M)
Download them all!
Wafuru (F)
9:20 PM - 9:30 (Woah! 10 minutes!) PM, Tuesday, May 18, 1999 - All objects put in
Albia, Wolfcontrol set up, and Norns imported. Feral run starts now. All Norns start to wander aimlessley around the incubator room. Most of the time, they just cluster together at the left end of the room. Matha and Rick wander off to look at interesting plants. (rotted tomatoes, mushrooms, etc.) The rest sit around and learn the basics of karate. (kicking, hitting eachother) Now they go off to see what Rick and Martha are doing. Rick and Martha are busy looking at a mushroom. Wafuru, Ping and someone else eat some cheese, while the others eat Martha's mushrooms.

Martha and Spidey go off to find something else. (Perhaps a tomatoe plant?)

Wafuru is "fefe."

9:05 PM - 9:35 PM, Thursday, May 20, 1999
Spidey and Rick (or Slink?) play ball A Norn eats something, and... burps? Okaaay...

At this point, the Norns have learned many words, and have learned to eat.( Am I doing something wrong? :-)) Slink and Wafuru have a kicking fight. (Ali's had a slapping fight)

A Norn eats something and burps again. hmmm.... must be those popping mushrooms. Burping confirmed: Popping mushrooms make Norns belch.