Welcome to BonJour's Place

So about now you're probably wondering who BonJour is, anyway. Well I'll tell you.

FULL NAME: Ann Elizabeth Miller

NICKNAMES: Dopey, Suds, Frannabelle, Ann Miller Elizabeth, BonJour, Little Miller

DATE OF BIRTH: March 22, 1979

PLACE OF BIRTH: Sandpoint, Idaho

FAMILY: Father, Ray, teaches economics and world history and coaches football at Sandpoint High School. He is also on the city council. Mother, Betsy, works in the jewlery department at Wal-Mart and is a member of the Sandpoint Civic Club. Sister, Meridith, 18 years old and a freshman at Boise State University. She plays clarinet and saxophone in a whole bunch of bands down there.

PETS: Emma, a Springer, Cocker, Black Lab mix, the most beautiful dog on Earth.

BEST FRIENDS: Jenessa, Gretchen, Laurel, Annie, Darren, Jason, Mike, Angie, Jessi - in no particular order

FRIENDS WITH WEB PAGES: Luke, Jarad, Marianne (Annie's mom), Todd, Jennifer,

SCHOOL: Concordia College, Moorhead, MN

MAJOR/MINOR: math and secondary education major, economics minor

JOBS: SHS Kitchen, Dairy Depot Stocker, Mr. Sub, Concordia College Wrestling student manager, Concordia College Dining Service, Coldwater Creek, Concordia College Volleyball student manager, Concordia College Math Deptartment paper grader.

HOBBIES: movies, music, computers, writing , volleyball

NON-SPORT GAME WHICH YOU ENJOY: Shanghai, Cribage, Mancala

COLLECT: CDs I can't afford, memories, pictures

BEST ADVICE HEARD: Without dreams real life means nothing at all.

FAVORITE THING TO DO IN THE SUMMER: work, cruise, party, camp, get up and do it all over again.

FAVORITE THING TO DO IN THE WINTER: ski, sleep, drink hot chocolate, watch wrestling


SCARIEST EXPERIENCE: spinning around and around in Angela's car on the way home from Schweitzer

SPECIAL SKILLS OR TALENTS: wrestling stats, math, music

WHAT I WANT TO DO/BE: marry a wrestling cowboy, teach math in western Montana, have lots of black labs and golden retrievers and maybe a couple of kids

RELIGION AND DEMONIATION: Christian, but beyond that I haven't decided for sure.

CHARACTER TRAITS I LOOK FOR IN A PERSON: funny, friendly, smart, happy, above all honest

PHYSICAL FEATURES I LOOK FOR: black or blond hair and ice blue eyes, a smile that can melt an igloo

DREAM CAR: Chevy Trucks or anything that isn't a Ford.

FAVORITE MUSIC: country, everything else -in that order

FAVORITE MUSICIANS: Brooks and Dunn, Garth Brooks, Chris LeDoux, Pink Floyd, Cherry Poppin' Daddies Primus

FAVORITE SONG: "Shot Full of Love" by Chris LeDoux and "To Make You Feel My Love" by the man, the myth, the legend, Garth Brooks

FAVORITE MUSIC VIDEO: "That's Why I'm Here" by Kenny Chesney RELATED LINKS: MTV, CMT

FAVORITE COLOR: green, brown, maroon, yellow

FAVORITE FOOD: cucumbers, chicken

LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: ham, meatloaf, potatoes (yes, I'm from Idaho and I don't like potatoes)

FAVORITE VACATION: Edmonton with the band nerds, anywhere with the wrestlers

FAVORITE SPORT: Do you really need to ask? Wrestling of course. But I like others too.

FAVORITE CARTOONS: Beavis and Butt-Head, Daria, Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain

FAVORITE MOVIES: "8 Seconds" "Billy Madison" "Beavis and Butt-Head Do America" "Dazed and Confused" "Scream" "Scream 2," "Varsity Blues," "Con Air" and click HERE for some other cool ones

FAVORITE DAY: Saturday, you get to sleep late and stay up late, except during wrestling season

FAVORITE MONTH: July nights and September afternoons

FAVORITE HOLIDAY: any that gets us out of school, which isn't many at Concordia.

FAVORITE PART OF THE NEWSPAPER: sports, comics, police reports

FAVORITE THING TO WEAR: fannel pajama pants and a tee-shirt

COKE VS PEPSI: Coke, but only if there isn't any Dew

WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER MOST ABOUT THIS YEAR?: Coldwater, Trout Creek, wrestling

IN THE CAR, AC OR OPEN WINDOWS?: Windows down, music up.

DO YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF?: I believe what I see and I've seen myself succeed.

WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD: Seeing someone you love in pain.

BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD: Seeing someone you love happy.

FAVORITE THING TO DO ON THE WEEKEND: Spend all day at a wrestling tournament until my head hurts and I can't see straight, eat at Perkins, and drive home from Minneapolis.


FUTURE SON'S NAME: First born will be Christopher with his dad's name as his middle name, second will be Travis Michael.

FUTURE DAUGHTER'S NAME: Hannah, Christine, or Kaitlin

ARE YOU A GOOD FRIEND?: I try to be, and I've been told I succeed.

CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA: Vanilla everything.


FAVORITE QUOTE: "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -unknown.

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN LOVE?: Platonically with almost every wrestler I've ever met, but non-platonically not yet.

WHAT'S ON THE WALLS OF YOUR ROOM?: Pictures of friends, postcards from friends, reminders of home, pictures of wrestlers, ads from magazines.

WHAT'S THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE WHEN YOU MEET A PERSON OF THE OPPOSITE SEX?: his smile, and his eyes if they're really great.

FUN AND GAMES Here are some other links to fun places. None of them are like, productive or anything, but if you have some time to kill, this might be a good place to do it.

Horoscopes with a twist

Tarot Cards

Tweety Bird


Electronic Post Cards

Disney Land

"Calvin and Hobbes"


"For Better or for Worse"

"Funky Winkerbean"

Personality Tests


Center for the Easily Amused

The Care Bears

Rainbow Brite

Strawberry Shortcake

Email: aemiller@gloria.cord.edu