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It all began one morning on July 27, 1992 the day I was born, along with 5 other siblings. As the weeks went by we learned to play and have fun and slept a lot .I was the biggest of the litter so everyone was afraid of me when we played.

Then about 6 weeks later this elderly couple came to see the pups running and playing. This couple fell in love with me and took me home with them . I was upset not knowing what was happening to me and I lost my playmates, not to mention my mommy. They tried to play with me and hold me and then it was night and I got very lonely. They tried to assure me that it was ok. I liked these two people and in no time at all got to really love them. They gave me toys and my own bed and pillows and would take me for long walks.

They would take me in the car whenever they left. Then around my fourth year with them, my owner went away and never came back. I was really sad. and very lonely. The other person she tried to comfort me and I adjusted. But shortly after that, her lady friend who use to come over all the time took both of us into town .My owner went into this bldg. but never came out. This lady had me in the car and after awhile we went on a long trip. The next thing I knew is I was in this house and there where strangers here, but they all tried to make me feel good, so I accepted them hoping that my daddy would come back.

Then this fellow was taking care of me took me where ever he went. He had this place where so many people came in and paid a lot of attention to me. This one guy who was all dress up in some kind of uniform, my new daddy called him Captain, was so nice to me. Him and my new master always talked about a lot of things including me. I am beginning to like it here as everyone is so nice to me. I get to sleep in a chair, have treats and we go for walks a lot. Then he was buying me coats for the winter one is my dress one it is like a London fog coat only wear that on special day. Then I got a ski jacket from my new mom, a tee shirt from Texas that says Dallas Cowboys on it . Don't know what that means but must be because my dad dresses like a cowboy Have a rain coat to don't like that to much though.

Also some boots for my paws in the winter keeps my feet dry. Dad is always getting these scarf's for me to wear too. Then one day this fellow the captain came in and there was this big tado about me. He left came back and said is all taken care of. Then one day this gal showed up and I remembered her from before .I thought she was going to take me away so I stayed away from her she called me and I wouldn't come. My dad and her where talking and she was crying then left. Whew I think that was close. Dad was on the phone and he was holding me like there was no tomorrow. Then about a week later the Captain came in and there was this big celebration thing and pictures taken. And my mom was given this paper all I heard was adoption papers and I was to stay here. I was happy, as my new parents and grandma are the best they spoil me and give me treats and take me everywhere. Been here 2 years now and what a great time my dad just plays with me and I sleep with him have my own bed next to him. I am happy where I am now and they won't let anyone hurt me. They went on a trip it was along trip I went with along to and saw all kinds of mountains and stuff. Heard them say it was the Black Hills. That was fun stayed in motels and saw a lot of neat stuff even a donkey stuck his head in the car window.



Well, that is my story I will be telling of more adventures as they happen and living with this family they do happen a lot.

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