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The following is the so-far canonical fanfic list of Golden Age characters, including many not created by me. Graphics (mainly) by Skullogeist. For more information cf. Amalgam Universe Chronology: The Golden Age - The Silver Age.


THE AXIS POWERS - created by That Guy

-- Unit of Nazi, Italian Fascist, and Imperial Japanese superhumans, consisting of the Skull Guardian, Tangle Web, and the Yellow Light. They mainly operated on the European front.

BATTLE-AXIS AMERIKA [Axis Amerika / Battle-Axis] - also proposed: Super-Axis Amerika [Axis Amerika + Super-Axis]

-- Unit of Nazi, Italian Fascist, and Imperial Japanese superhumans, supplemented with American sympathizers. Led by Ubermeister, the team consisted of Doctor Usil, Divine Meteor, Untersee-Wolf, Valkyrie Queen, the Owl Pirate & Fledermaus. The German contingent of the team also operated locally under the name Gerechtigskeit Verein des Deutschland. The GVD's headquarters occupied the 5th floor of the Hotel Atlantis in Berlin.


Agent Axis [Agent Axis / Agent Axis]

-- An opponent of the Young Commandos; melding of three female German, Japanese, and Italian spies. (Created by Mikel Midnight)

Baron Froederick Blitzkrueger [Baron Blitzkrieg / Freddy Krueger]

-- Nazi agent operating as assassin and sabotour during WW2. (Created by Crazy Ivan)

Baron Blood [Baron Blood / Shadow Thief] - also proposed: Baron Blood [Grosshorne Eule + Baron Blood]

-- Lord Jonathan Knight. Vampire enemy of Union Jack and the All-Star Winners. (Created by Thunderbolt01)
-- Description: the man is clad in tights of complementary shades of violet; arising from his cowl are two flared horns. His eyes glow a fierce white, and his mouth has visible fangs.

Baron Zero, aka Doctor Zero [Mister Zero / Baron Zemo]

-- S.S. Colonel Baron Wolfgang von Strucker was imprisoned in a nitrogen stasis suit since an ill-fated mission to kill Super-Soldier. He had been known to assist the Scarab Lady, armed with a large freeze gun. After the war he was instrumental in the creation of Hydra, a covert terrorist organization dedicated to the Nazi dream of world domination. His children "Count" Anton Zero & Una Zero later went on to take command of the Omega Helix and to bedevil the Doom Force. - hyperlink to Marvel Appendix

Brian Wave [Bird-Brain/Brain Wave]

--This villain finds himself in human form but with avian characteristics, including the ability to fly short distances. - created by Captain Gerry

Black Vulture [Black Condor + Hawkman / The Vulture]

-- Raised by vultures, this villain constructed wings using 'ninth metal technology' which allowed him to fly. He had been known to assist the Scarab Lady. A later associate of Will Magnus, after his death his engrams were encoded into an android member of the Sinister Society. (Created by Mikel Midnight)
-- Description: an average height young man wearing a green cowl which completely covers his face. He is wearing a black bodysuit, plain save for a talbard which is attached to a large set of green metallic wings. He appears to be in very good shape.

Eric the Blue [Captain Blue / Eric the Red]

-- An opponent of Apollo. (Created by Omegabeast)

Doctor Caligari

-- Using the name Craig Ila, Dr. Caligari perplexed the All-Star Winners in an intrigue in which it seemed the the Vice-President had been killed. He later hypnotised a number of German criminals into impersonating the All-Star Winners in an attempt to discredit them. (Nominated by Mikel Midnight)
-- Description: a shortish, stout man with silver hair and goatee wearing thick spectacles, a black cape, a battered top hat, and carrying an old-fashioned ivory cane.


-- An assistant of John Sunlight. (Nominated by Mikel Midnight)
-- Description: a squat man, with long arms and a reddish face; he has blond hair. He wears a bulletproof vest and is carrying a gun.


-- An assistant of John Sunlight. (Nominated by Mikel Midnight)
-- Description: a black ox of a man with close-cropped hair and a day's worth of beard stubble. He is wearing a white silk shirt, black pinstripe slacks with a black silk handkerchief in his left-hand pocket, immaculately shined black leather shoes, and a gray trench coat.

Divine Meteor [Divine Wind (Kamikaze) / Human Meteor] - also proposed: Lady Kamikaze [Kamikaze + Lady Lotus]

-- Flying Japanese member of Battle-Axis Amerika. (Created by Crazy Ivan)
-- Description: a muscular young Asian man wearing a white costume, green cape and trunks, and matching boots and gloves which are styled to display their rocket-powered functionality.

Doctor Usil [Usil / Dr. Death]

-- Archer member of Battle-Axis Amerika who is also a scientific genius. (Created by Crazy Ivan)
-- Description: a spry, barechested masked man clad in gold, with a blue trenchcoat, gray hat, and white doctor's mask and carrying a bow with an obviously wide array of arrows.

Fledermaus [Fledermaus]

-- Son of Owl Pirate, later killed in battle against the All Star Winners Squadron. (Nominated by Mikel Midnight)
-- Description: a boy of about 12. He wore a blue bodysuit and grey shorts, gloves, and boots. The upper part of his face was hidden behind a grey mask which left his red hair free. A rocket pack completed the picture.

The Flying Deutschmen [Haunted Tank / Flying Dutchman / Deutschland (Germany)]

-- World War II German squadron carrying out covert missions aboard a ghost ship. (Created by Crazy Ivan)

Fog [Fog / Fog]

-- An opponent of the Americommando & Rusty; German agent who spreads manmade fog that makes everyone inside drowsy & sluggish; wears gasmask. (Created by Mikel Midnight)

Fu Manchu

-- Imagine a person, tall, lean and feline, high-shouldered, with a brow like Shakespeare and a face like Satan, a close-shaven skull, and long, magnetic eyes of the true cat-green. Invest him with all the cruel cunning of an entire Eastern race, accumulated in one giant intellect, with all the resources of science past and present, with all the resources, if you will, of a wealthy government--which, however, already has denied all knowledge of his existence. Imagine that awful being, and you have a mental picture of Dr. Fu Manchu, the yellow peril incarnate in one man. (Nominated by Mikel Midnight)

The Grandmaster Gambler [the Gambler + the Grandmaster]

-- An alien who set the All Star Winners Squadron against Battle-Axis Amerika as part of a cosmic game involving Professor Kang.
-- Description: a man dressed in an old-time riverboat gambler outfit. He wears a long yellow coat over a yellow vest and a frilly white shirt. His striped pants are colored a lighter shade of yellow that matches his flat hat. His skin is blue, his hair is white and he sports a moustache. (Created by Mikel Midnight)

Green Terror [Green Terror / Green Terror]

-- An opponent of the Paper Man; invented choking non-lethal green fog, superfast car; green-suited followers; African (though golden, with beard); blood-drinker; immortal. (Created by Mikel Midnight)

Hans of Thyme

-- German agent during World War II. Attempted to kidnap Albert Oppenhein [Albert Einstein / Richard Oppenheimer], the father of the Atomic Bomb. (Created by Crazy Ivan)

Human Fly [Human Fly / Human Fly]

-- An opponent of Minuteman; uses suction cups to stick to walls. (Created by Mikel Midnight)

The Invisible Mist [Invisible Man / The Mist]

-- Mainly active as an opponent of Union Jack during World War One, his mad progeny bedeviled Thorstar (Union Jack's later incarnation) in swinging 60's London. (Created by Mikel Midnight)


-- Silent order of ninja, fought Creature Command during World War II. (Created by Crazy Ivan)

Toni Lash

-- An assistant of John Sunlight. (Nominated by Mikel Midnight)
-- Description: a beautiful lady, the mystery woman of the Riveria. She is tall, dark-haired and striking, clad in gold and carrying an unusual weapon, a hydrocyanic gun.

The Lizard [The Lizard / The Lizard]

-- An opponent of the Human Lantern; archer. (Created by Mikel Midnight)

Lex Luthor [Lex Luthor / Red Skull] First Appearence--All-Adventure Comics #3

-- A billionaire war profiteer, Lex Luthor learned of the Super-Soldier project and feared that such a champion would bring a swift end to World War II and his ill-gained profits. He arranged for Nazi scientists to steal the strange alien craft and its mysterious green glowing rock. Observing that the green rock affected Super-Soldier, Lex created a life-extending serum from the radioactive element, inadvertently transforming himself into the cadaverous Green Skull. The Green Skull used the green element, known as Green K, to develop the destructive K-Bombs which ended World War II. The K-Bombs, however, created a blanket of radiation around the world. Lex's first wife, Lois Lane, was an inquistive reporter on the war beat when she met the charming billionaire at a fund-raising ball. - written by Skullogeist
-- Evolving from the war-profiteering schemes of Lex Luthor, Hydra is the organization created by his children and their further offspring. Dedicated to global domination through control and infiltration of all world banks and information systems, the heads of Hydra snake through all the great world governments and corporations. The daughter of the Green Skull and Lois Lane, young Selina Luthor witnessed her mother being murdered by her father's men. Taking the name Madame Cat and vowing vengeance on the maniacal old man, she has risen through the ranks of his terrorist group Hydra with one goal in mind: destroy and replace him as Hydra Supreme [Catwoman / Madame Viper]. - edited from PowerBlast cards

Major Zemo [Iron Major / Baron Zemo]

-- An opponent of Super Soldier; evil Nazi scientist. The grandson of Major Zemo posed as the descendent of a British hero, calling himself Citizen D.

Mister Mastermind [Mastermind/Mr Mind]

-- A computerized intelligence, and in later years, a sometimes ally of Magneto. Occasionally lapses into villainy when not under Magneto's influence. - created by Captain Gerry

Nightspectre [Nightmare / Spectre]

-- An opponent of Speed Demon I; evil entity seeking the Souls of Power.

Nightshade [Nightcrawler / Shade]

-- An opponent of Speed Demon I; he's, perhaps, the most powerful character in the Amalgam universe. His power to manipulate existing shadows, teleport, and his virtual immortality, all make him virtually unbeatable. He is a sorrowed man, however. He hesitates to kill, due to his beliefs, but the long life he's led makes him quite lonely, since most of his loves and friends have died. He isn't truly good or truly evil, but he will champion a cause he sees as just or commit criminal acts for the sake of his own amusement. - created by Wonka

Owl Pirate [Grosshorne Eule / Sky Pirate] - also proposed: Baron Blood [Grosshorne Eule + Baron Blood]

-- Acrobatic member of Battle-Axis Amerika with rocket pack; father of Fledermaus. He and Ubermeister frequently operated together as the Axis's Finest. After the war, testimony at the Nuremberg trials by mysterymen, such as Blue Jacket among others, indicated that he had not participated in any atrocities, and he was released. We have seen him in his later years, retired and having emigrated to Elmond, California. (Created by Crazy Ivan)
-- Description: a man clad in a red cowl, above which was a tricorner pirate's hat. He was clad in green tights, with red culottes, boots and gloves. Around his waist was a yellow belt accessorised with a number of handy compartments, and strapped to his torso was a rocket pack.

Professor Kang [Professor Zoom / Kang]

-- An opponent of Speed Demon I and the All Star Winners Squadron from the 30th century; his relationship if any to Kang the Time-Conqueror and Chronus-Tut the Time Pharaoh is unknown (although speculation has named him as Eobard Thawne, who took the name Vengeance after he bonded with a demon to become more like Speed Demon. ).

The Python [The Python / The Python]

-- An opponent of Human Lantern and Guardian Angel; Nazi saboteur and contortionist who looks like a python. (Created by Mikel Midnight)

The Scarab Lady [the Scarab (Republic serial) / Spider Lady (Columbia serial)]

-- An opponent of Super Soldier who, using a formula called the Purple Death, poisoned the staff at the Museum of Natural History in order to steal enough Kryptonite to construct a Reducer Ray (a method for reducing electrical components to make them smaller and lighter). (Created by Mikel Midnight)
-- Description: a beautiful blonde woman, her features concealed behind a black mask; she is wearing a black evening gown which leaves her shoulders bare.
-- Description (as Carol Maldor): a fastidious-looking woman. Her features are fair, but her hair is tied back in a severe bun, and she is wearing thick-framed glasses. She is dressed in a conservative skirt and business jacket.

Siliconman [Plastic Man / Sandman]

-- He had been known to assist the Scarab Lady. In later years he allied himself with Green Goblin and Scarecrow as a member of The Terrible Three. His son, Siliconman II, is currently active as a superhero and is an occasional member of the Judgement League Avengers.
-- Description: a narrow-featured man with wavy black hair, wearing a pair of sinister-looking wrap-around goggle sunglasses. He also wears a crimson bodyshirt with alternating black stripes, crimson trousers, and black boots which are serrated at the top along each leg. (Nominated by Mikel Midnight)

Silver Cross [Silver Ghost / Iron Cross]

-- Raphael Van Gruler was a German nationalist who fervently disagreed with the Nazi ideology yet fought for his beloved country nonetheless. During World War II, he battled both the Judgement Society Invaders and the Freedom Crusaders (also proposed: the Liberty Fighters) on several occasions before being put out of action for nearly a decade. Now, at the age of 103, Raphael actively participates as a member of the Glory Battalion (also proposed: Victory-Battalion) in an attempt to make up for the past sins of his countrymen. Although his silver armor puts a great deal of strain on his aging body, it is the only thing keeping him alive. (Created by Omegabeast)

Skull Guardian [ ? / ? ]

-- German part of a group of super villains called the "Axis Powers". (Created by That Guy)

John Sunlight

-- Known as the Genghis, he acquired his reputation by trying to take over the Tongs and use them to dominate the world and set up his empire in the Asian interior. He also hypnotised the Young Commandos and attempted to use them in an attack on the All Star Winners Squadron. (Nominated by Mikel Midnight)
-- Description: a man who resembles a gentle poet, with dark hair, a high forehead, and hollow burning eyes set in a starved face. He has a long body and extremely long fingers. His hair is completely white. He is dressed completely in white.

The Surpriser [The Surpriser]

-- An opponent of Spider; could generate different forms of energy from each of his twenty fingers, so nobody could tell which power ... which surprise ... would come next! (Nominated by Mikel Midnight)

Tangle Web [ ? / ? ]

-- Italian part of a group of super villains called the "Axis Powers". (Created by That Guy)

Thinker [Thinker/Mad Thinker]

-- A criminal plotter who has found means to travel through time and chooses to live during World War II. - created by Captain Gerry

Ubermeister, aka Master Uberman [Ubermensch / Master Man]

-- Powerful leader of Battle-Axis Amerika; his connection to Arn "Hercules" David is unknown. He and Owl Pirate frequently operated together as the Axis's Finest. (Created by Crazy Ivan)
-- Description: a tall, well-built man with a blond crew-cut. His face is handsome, yet authoritative. He wears blue breeches and a tight-fitting shirt with gold epaulets and a high crimson military collar. Boots and gloves are a matching crimson. A swastika is displayed across his chest, enclosed within a black circle.

Ultra-Metallo [Metallo / Sleeper Robots] First Appearence--Super Soldier Action #5

-- Nazi scientists, with the help of Lex Luthor, stole a small alien craft with a chunk of a mysterious element embedded in its hull from the Super-Soldier project. By careful analysis of the element, they were able to exploit its unearthly radiation to power Ultra-Metallo a massive robot that would be Super-Soldier's match. The K-radiation of the unstoppable robot's heart would mean the end of Super-Soldier's World War II fighting days. One of the interns of the Ultra-Metallo project was an American double-agent who carried secrets of Ultra-Metallo's construction back to the United States. This information eventually wound up in the hands of the young Will Magnus, who used this knowledge in the creation of his mutant-hunting Sentinel robots. - written by Skullogeist, hyperlink to Marvel Appendix

Untersee-Wolf [U-Man / Sea Wolf]

-- Atlantian warlord aiding Nazi Germany in W. W. II by serving Battle-Axis Amerika. (Created by Crazy Ivan)
-- Description: a blue-furred wolfman wearing green trunks and wrist bracers, with a red 'U'-emblem on his belt-buckle. He is of massive build, with broad shoulders and deep chest. The eyes are a blood red that snaps and crackles points of fire like those which sparkle from a whirling sword.

Valkyrie Queen [Valkyrie / Spider Queen] - also proposed: Gudra the Warrior Woman [Gudra + Warrior Woman]

-- Female member of Battle-Axis Amerika wielding New Asgod weapons. (Created by Crazy Ivan)
-- Description: a tall woman, with curly raven-colored hair. She wears a winged helmet. Her costume consists of a red armored bustier and skirt with a matching belt. Her boots reach her knees and are red and have high heels on them. She carries a long spear.

Vandal Diablo [Vandal Savage / Dr. Diablo]

-- Evil ages-old alchemist who uses the Fire Font of Youth in St Augustasia to remain immortal. (Created by Crazy Ivan)

The Yellow Light [Yellow Claw / Dr. Light II]

-- An opponent of the Golden Age Deaddevil; a creation of the Japanese, part of a group of super villains called the "Axis Powers". He was a superhuman composed entirely of light, and could create structures composed of a solid form of light. An attempt to defeat him on the part of Minuteman led to the speedster's inadvertant time jump to the 1990's. (Created by That Guy)



Historical notes:

The first modern comic was National Atlas Comics' New Thrilling Fun Comics #1 which appeared in 1938. It consisted of newspaper reprints and the occasional new series such as the proto-superhero 'Strange Occult' (by the creators who went on to do Super-Soldier) and adventure strips like 'Ace Eagle', 'Brave Joe', 'Paul Power', and 'Captain Phantom, Man of a Thousand Disguises'. The format proved to be a popular one, and pulp publisher All Timely Magazines followed in 1939 with Marine Mystery Comics #1, which featured the first appearence of Aqua-Mariner as well as comic adaptions of other All Timely sailor and acquatic adventure characters. By the end of the year, the two companies decided it would be in their best interest to merge, and so Amalgam Comics was born. National Atlas' main title was renamed More Thrilling Fun Comics and the popular character Dark Claw premiered in Sleuth Comics #27, the title previously having been devoted to private eyes and sports stars. 1940 saw the new company's premiere character debut in the eponymous Super Soldier Action #1. So popular was Super-Soldier that he spun off into the anthology title USA Action Comics which also featured new characters such as Americommando and The Whiz. The next milestone was the publication of All Star Winners Comics; originally just another anthology title, it soon featured the first modern superhero team, The All Star Winners Squadron. 1941 saw Amalgam Comics negotiate for the reprint rights of the Moon Spirit By Night newspaper supplement, and the following year saw them publish the first Negro superhero, The Owl, in Super Soldier Action #25. Before the war, the company branched into overseas publishing, and set up a British branch (Amalgamated Press) which reprinted its own titles as well as featuring the occasional homegrown character such as The Falcon, Robot Archie, and Thunderbolt Jaxon; this line was abandoned in later years as sales dropped and the characters were sold to a British conglomerate. An earlier overseas operation in France, which gave rise to the character Steel Phantom, was unfortunately dropped due to the Nazi occupation of that country and not many records of the character still exist. As the 40's waned, public interest in superheroes waned as well. Your Quality Lampoon Publications, who published National Silver Comics and other titles, sold their characters to Amalgam who continued the Spitfire and the Blackhawks series and later revived many of their other heroes in one of their annual Judgement League Avengers / Judgement Society Invaders crossovers.