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OCTOBER 28, 2000- "Operation: Overthrow" is released!

OCTOBER 17, 2000- Bill Cornelius decides to edit all of "Operation: Overthrow" on his own. Bill is pushing for a Halloween release.

OCTOBER 1, 2000- Bill sets a deadline for "Operation: Overthrow" to be completed and released no later than October 31st. Editing has fallen under pressure from the tight deadline and the unsuccessful attempts to get blue screen effects and other digital items. Some shooting involving Bill, Nick Ferdelman, and Brad Weed still has yet to be completed.

SEPTEMBER 4, 2000- Bill Cornelius is hesitantly guessing that "Operation: Overthrow" will be released sometime in October.

SEPTEMBER 2, 2000- Jordan Cassavant is looked at as a potential candidate for playing the role of Dr. Andrivich Artronica in "Operation: Overthrow".

JULY 10, 2000- "Operation: Overthrow" filming is about complete!

© 2000 B.C. Films

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