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Allan Mah


主啊!請您聽我這個有罪的人的禱告,我曾愛上一個人, 我曾給他帶來那麼多痛苦,可他死了,我再也無法彌補。 我祈求您,仁慈的主,請您接受他進入天國。 當他在人世間的時候,他從沒傷害過任何人,他是那樣善良、正直。 他唯一做了件不該做的事:他愛上了一個不該愛的人, 有了一段在人世間被看作荒謬、無恥、墮落的感情。 可這份感情是純潔的、無辜的、永恆的。 父啊!我還有一個請求,請您務必答應我。 無論您將那個男孩送到什麼地方,當我離開這個世間的時候, 請讓我同他在一起。如果他在天國,讓我們盡情在那裡歡樂, 接著訴說我們在人間的愛戀,也讓我來彌補對他的虧欠; 如果他在地獄,請讓我也去那裡,讓我走近他,站在他身後, 雙手緊緊摟住他的肩膀,讓我們共同去承受地獄的酷刑和烈火的煎熬, 我無怨無悔。 以聖父、聖子、聖靈的名義,阿門!

Well, not feeling so well these few days. Just transfered to a new store, with higher sales, but not as high as the one i worked in before. But the new job have me feeling tired, and I could feel my body aching every night after work.

Few days ago, when i made my way back to Singapore, met a guy, who had a great smile. But we only managed to talk for half an hour as he was on a different bus schedule. Otherwise we could have had a great chat. Was hoping we would become 'very' good friends as he had said.

Still single!!!!???? Why?

A message i read today from a book named {{Change you life with Changes That Heal}}:

I feel lonely; therefore, I am not loved. If I am not loved, it must be beacuse I am unlovable. I am bad, or someone would love me.

05082002 0349

I really have no confidence to be in LOVE, the way i lost the trust in people. But why does you hug me and even kiis me yesterday or everytime i see you. Would that's call LOVE, dear? I totally have no idea.

See, once again i have to reconsider and think about you all the time. Open my heart and let you get into the darkness part of me. I can not denied that i am so happy to be with you all the time. Go to club, watch movie, side walk and what else can we do? Thanks for you to bring me to the spa, that i never been to.

110502 0220

Valentine's day! But just a single valentine's Day, which is such a damn meaningless to me. (Tears rolling in my eyes!)

He, i had talk with him for only 2 days, which he had gave me such a good impression for life and have a lots of laughter in the whole conversation. Had gave him the URL, but i don't want you to see. I would rather keep this as a URL diary.

I believe that you will never read it again. Till the next day. Fine..... I had keep in a good memory of you all the time. Thank you!

Thursday, 14022002 0154

Well.... quite a long time i never update my homepage. It's about 6 months. Till last night, a Chinese Ner Year Eve, a friend who ask for my picture to view, that all i can give is the homepage picture. In fact, i don't wanna give it to him due to not feeling good to do so, shy. However, i had gave it to him through the phone. Hope that he won't laugh at me, or he did!!!

STill nothing much had change in life, still single, which i so wanted to get off from it. But GOD still want me in single and testifying me with my patient. But i will still pray you GOD, my LORD, will set me free in the situation and let me found my love in last. Thanks my LORD.

12022002 Year of HOURSE, 1st day

Recently, or yesterday, watch a very nice movie. Give me the same feeling as Romeo and Juliet & Shakespear in Love. "Moulin Rouge"


In the movie, i keep on hearing the same dialog, "The greatest thing in life is just to love, and gain love in return". When i first heard this, i keep myself busy to remember it. But, it's appear several of times. So i want myself to learn this for the rest of my lifetime.

Still pain of LOVE!!!

18072001 0116

有一種朋友,跟他在一起的時候,心裡完全沒有負擔, 不需要刻意地討好他;無論何時都覺得很自在。 不在一起的時候,你知道他沒忘了你,他關心著你; 他不見得天天與你見面或通電話, 但你知道你們的友誼不會有什麼變化, 為什麼呢?因為只要你有了為難的事,他永遠在那兒, 在一個令你放心的位置、不變的位置,等著你。 甚至不需要開口,他已經嗅到了某些端倪,主動把溫暖的手伸過來! 他用一顆誠心與你交往。 能結為朋友,你便擁有一項珍貴的寶物。 不管是分離的雲淡風輕也好,相聚時的風雲際會也罷; 擁有這樣的朋友,你會感到很溫暖。

Well... Sad Sad! The person i LOVE, don't love me! What a damn! 22062001 0029

Will Allan tell you the truth! I don't think he will tell all about himself! 10% of him will still hide it somewhere deep in his heart! That's why made him so mysteries!!!

Confidence is the most iportant thing in life! Give yourself more power to imporve what you stand now and treasure the life out there, but i don't ask you to have a dump as those young man you see on the street! However, all of all, i still don't have it much! i am still on the learning part in my life. So give me a chance to know you more! 21062001 0435

Emotion!!! My emotion drive so strong! How could i do that!? May be i done all this are base on my emotion! That's why it makes me a loser! Am i a loser? So negative thinking! should not do so! Please do it!

Right, today stay in the Mcdonald's overnight to do boil out, where i got to put some chemical into the vat to let it boil and clean it up. Not a tough job but take a long time to complete it. But receive a special call that makes me happier. Thank that person here. 30052001 0750

Yes, the page had updated. Erm... nowadays, i am so boring and always stay home. Some one tell me that is low profile. But so does he. He also said that he always stay at home. But nothing wrong with that, what? As long as i am happy, and nothing harm to my health and my personal life. It should be no problem and not your business though. 27052001

once again i come here to edit my homepage, that i always proud that i have one!

This time i would add in piece by piece that some of my friend suggest me to do so. So, you, you, you and you must always come here to check my new improvement.

Now, i still stay McDonald's to find piece of life. Although, no longer in the same store. I will happily to work with other wonderful people.

In the real life, i had been cheated by somebody i love. But still i believe the true love is out there somewhere waiting for me. So i need to keep on running to find it! But where is my real LOVE???

For those people always come to visit my web page, thanks a lots. Now i am doing fine in Singapore and having lots of fun with my job. You may wish to give me a call, go ahead call me now!!!

This is the whole picture of my family! Picture taken on my dad's 60's Birthday party!

This is my youngest nephew! His name Zhek Zhek! He is one year old now. Is he cute? I think he is cutie and handsome, like me?

This is the rest of my nephew. They all gorgeous and cutie!

This is one of the proof that we made when we visit Orkney island, North End U.K.. We hided it somewhere and we promised when our next visit will go there to see is it still right there or not! Strange, isn't it? But time fly so fast 2 years already past!!!

Now, i going to introduce you all my friend!

This is those friend who graduate with me at the same day! We took a lots of picture on that day. I find myself like a superstar, taking lots of beautiful picture!

This is friend from Malaysia. Now we all separated everywhere! So sad, isn't it? But we hope to see each other very often! Don't you all think so?

This is friend which i met in England. They look nice, but not pretty! Hahahaha... From left: Wendy, Me, Yan Yan, Pui Shan and Iris.

The girl with golden hair is my English best friend. She got a golden hair and her name, Michelle!

Last, this is my another best English friend. She is a singer and we work together in the takeaway. Now, she work in a cruise in Paris.

This is some of the picture of myself!

This is one of my favourite picture! Took at Whitburn, Sunderland. Beautyful leh, isn't it?

Another picture took at seaside. This is Seaburn, Sundealand, during summer! Nice sun and wheather and handsome guy!

Last year summer, i got a long hair on my shoulder. Here is Newcastle and it's near by Sunderland.

Here is the hall of resident I lived on my first year in England. Nice and clean. I also wear home team-shirt!

In the winter, and I had a box of Strawberry in my hand. I love to eat strawberry, would you like one?

Here is some of the picture i took when visited Orkney island. Just want to show you all how beautyful in this little island.

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Now i am no long stay in Sunny Sunderland. Moving to Liverpool already! But, later on i will go back to Malaysia! I got my flight ticket on 7/9/99 and will arrive Kuala Lumpur on 8/9/99. Hope to see you all very soon!

Now, i am staying in Singapore and got myself a job, a interesting job. Working in McDonald as an assistant manager, not bad, right? I always thought it is and i want to make it special in my life! I believe i can!

Hope you all like this homepage and there would be more surprise coming up soon! Thanks and visit me sometimes when you free.

Hope you all like this new edited homepage and if there got anything here you don't want to see! Tell me so!

Don't forget to sign the guest book!

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Home address: Singapore: Blk 236 Bukit Btok East Ave 5, 650236 Singapore.
Malaysia :?163 Kg Baru Cheroh, 27620 Raub, Pahang, West Malaysia.