Simon and brian's hard core snowboarding page

Simon and Brian's Hardcore Skate/Snowboarding Page

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NEW STUFF- whats up its summer now, we have't changed this page in a long time. don't worry new stuff will be up soon. I plan to totally change the format along with new pics and other stuff. --keep it real-- simon

hard core skate page 2


Guess What? There's a new skate company based in St.Paul, Minnesota. It's owned and operated by local skaters If you're interested and want to know more about this awesome up and coming skate company check out it's new page.
Here is their E-mail If you would like some stickers and info send your name and address and they'll hook you up.

Ryan/Backside 360
Snowboarding in Minnesota has to be the best. Where else can locals drive to golf courses, high schools, and city parks, build great hits and snap fantastic pics like this one?
Jimmy/Patented Double Indy
and here is Billy with a perfect Tail grab

Thats about it for snowboarding this season - why you ask? - Well, there is no more snow. We are all sad to see it leave but we are also rejoicing because now there is pavement- And you know what that means... Skating has now begun

Some of us would like to discourage the purchasing nike skate products, they are made in sweatshops for pennies. As for those nike skate commercials, they're right but don't be infuenced by them.Go get some good skate shoes like DC's, Etnies, or Es'. Nike is just jumping on the corprate band wagon. just remember


Go talk smack in our chatroom!(even though there's probably no one in it)
Simon and Brian's Hard Core Snowboarding Chat Room


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We got rid of that old picture and got a better one! Simon kickfliping off a launch
this is karl (he has some mental problems) Karl/Shirtless Indy

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send us email and tell us whats up.Ba got booted off aol but he has a geocities address so send him your comments about our page(s)
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