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Tell Everyone About my awesome site man!!!

This is the page with it all

  • Corvettes
  • World War One
  • My pages on Coolchat
  • I've got special pages to help you use the web
  • I have pages so you can get free newsletters on you e-mail
  • I have old book photos
  • And I have got Animated pics(which you can download at your leasure)
  • And most of all I want your Input. E-mail me and tell me what you think
  • All of these things can be found in the middle of the page, they are all links that will get you what you need.

My links man

My OTHER site
Go here to search the web
my brothers site
Go here to get your site on many search engines at once!
Go here to subscribe to FREE newsletters!!!!!
My Links Page (please go here and make me rich)
Corvette Page
Amazon books
My better site at a different place
This is a page of my old books and magazines
Just Another of my pages
Another Page on Coolchat
This is my page with alot of WW1 Pics
This is my page that has every year of Corvette through 1998
A great place for car enthusists
Buy a car At
The best search engine ever!
A good search engine and much more
Hotmail-a good email service
