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Anti Pokemon

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UAPHOTW, General of the Army.

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The Anti-Pokemon Quest seeks to get rid of pokemon and break free the addiction that is slowly rotting the brains of people who watch and play Pokemon, and trade Pokemon cards. Too many young kids (and even some teenagers) are hopelessy addicted to the pathetic Japanese anime shit. Kids are obsessed with catching all 150 pokemon, and their brains slowly turn to mush. I would not be so opposed to Pokemon if it was not such and addictive game and was not blown into a widespread epidemic. If you are a PokeLover visiting this page, I am not dissing you. But I truly despise Pokemon and wish to get rid of them and there influence. I am merely trying to help you break free of the chains that bind you. Some other people who hate Pokemon may say that my site is not vulgar or against people who like Pokemon. But it is not the people I hate, but the poor excuse for a cartoon and video game.

Pokemon Poll--Which do you hate the most?
Which Pokemon do you hate the most?

Current Results

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