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Angelfire deleted half my fucking site.. I apologize for the profanity but i'm so pissed off.. I know I've hardly touched this site in 3 years and I know its not much of a site but I worked hard on it, handcoding and all that shite.. It likely never would've been as good as some moonie sites out there but dammit I tried.. I left it up as a testiment to the effort I put into it and for my love of Sailormoon (yes, I still quite adore sailormoon).

But now that I've gone through my directories on this piece of shit webserver, I've discovered that.. hm.. I'm guessing angelfire deleted every folder over 800kbs or whatever to save their asses some space.. fuckers.. And now a nice chunk of my hard work is gone.

I doubt I ever really will finish this site, and if I do, I'll get Immora to link the NEW url for it as hell if I'm ever using angelfire again.

Thank you for your patience with my rant.

last updated July 31 2003/last really updated, june 2000

Thank you Immora, for designing the mainpage logo :) (however, the rest are mine) And Chapter 3 is up for those who read my fic!!!!

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