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        Welcome to Altima's World, where your imagination becomes
reality!  Soon to be home to everything that is Sailor Moon,
this site will be home to libraries of images, sounds, and fanfictions. If you would like your
fanfiction posted, please e-mail me at

        Having said that, sit back and relax, push all thoughts from your
mind, and roam through my world... my interpretation of all that is

Do you love to pretend you're a Sailor Senshi? Visit these fine Role Playing Games, endorsed by SgAltima's World!

SgAltima's Senshi Tales
This RPG, run by yours truly, is strictly for players who have created their own characters. See if Super Sailor Altima will actually turn the Earth into a world of dark crystal!!

The Pretty Soldiers RPG
This RPG, run by Pretty Sailor Senchi, includes all of the Inner and Outer Senshi, along with other favorites, both good and evil! Will Chaos end the world in a bloodbath?

Just remember, visit "grep Sailormoon *" for all of your Sailor Moon needs!