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BSB News

New Album!

The new BSB album, "Millenium", will be released May18th. The reason for the HUGE delay was the battle between the BSB and their management. The first single, to be released on April 12th, will be "I want it that way". You won't see the vid 'till May 5th, though.

Here are some pics that I got from that could be possible album covers

Ok, these aren't the pics of Mellenium cover. These are in the booklet. has all of the pics and songs. (I have it in my links)

AJ and his girlfriend are very much together (thanks Karen!). There was a very recent interview on T.V where AJ talked about his new house which he shares with his mom and girlfriend. Damn, huh?

The "I want it that way" vid is out! It's ok but there's no real plot to it. Not that it sucks to just stare at them! Also, they are each doing individual Millenium commercials on Much so watch out for them!

Man, that new CD is soooo good. If you're afraid that they changed too much, don't worry. It's awesome I was so surprised. It went platinum in one day here in Canada. Read AJ and Bri's thank yous, just make sure that you have a kleenex handy!