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NOTE: If you are here in reguards to the Ultimate RPG Webring, please go here to join: The Ultimate RPG Webring
As I sit here in my computer chair staring in front of my moniter, I feel dissapointment inside of me, and even sorrow... For this, is the closing of Immortal's RPG Realm. Fear not though! For I will not leave the World Wide Web, in fact I've started a new site with a friend and it's taken off extremely well, and it's a whole lot better than this site ever was...

I decided to close my site because it was too sloppy. You might say it's not, but when you really look at it, it was too much! I bet you didn't know I had well over 250 different files to maintain with just this site alone... I could have gotten rid of 100 of those and this would look like it did, but I was way too lazy to deal with Angelfire's crappy uploading system. No private FTP account on here like in other hosting services, otherwise I would have easily updated this, but alas, I decided to close it. Some of the backgrounds I had put up when I first started this, were still there, as other pages of mine had different, newer backgrounds. I disliked that about this site, so I shut it down...

I give none of you permission to use any of the information or files unless they're made by someone else, then you must ask them, as I had done.

Although I am not saying goodbye from the web, I am saying this:
As the webmaster of the one and only Immortal's RPG Realm This is Immortal himself, signing off.

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My new site

Immortals FFRealm / Immortal's RPG Realm:
July 1998 - January 1999

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