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Welcome to Susan's Page of Photos and Memories

About Me

Links Like You Wouldn't Believe

Just a little more about me
Pretty cool pics of myself and friends
My senior pictures
Part One: Myself and my bro as little kids
Prom '98 Pics
FLA Pictures
Misc. Pics of friends and stuff
Graduation '99
More Graduation Pics
Prom 99 Style
End of the Year Stuff
Pictures from my missions trip
More Pictures from Arkansas
**Updated**Family Photos
***NEW** Check out my college roomie and I
***NEW**Some highlights from my first year in college
**VERY new** Some pics from my sophomore year in college
**Even newer** Stout Republicans in action.
**The latest** Check out what i've learned in school!
Page 2 of what my 14,000 in education so far has gotten me! :)

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