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A Cyberspace Odyssey

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Taliban On The Run Song Parody

Why Did God Let It Happen? - Falwell is wrong about 9/11/01

Last photo of the World Trade Center from ABC News

Proposed Greetings to Terrorists from John Wayne, Kurt Russell and others

Timeline of Terror 9/11/01

Osama bin Ladin interview (ABC News)

Osama bin Ladin interview (CNN News)

Profile: Osama bin Ladin, world's richest terrorist

Give blood - Give of your time. - Support a victim's family.
American Red Cross for your area - Due to the high volume of visitors to, some articles may not be accessible. Please continue to try back. In addition, visit, where many of the same articles appear.
Emergency contact information, to check on family/friends in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon Building, or the 4 hijacked airliners

We have awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve
Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, 12-7-41
When Santa Ana, the self-appointed dictator of Mexico, executed the survivors in the Alamo and piled their bodies on top of a bonfire as a message to America, he came up with a slogan he thought would strike terror in everyone else in America: "Remember the Alamo!" We did. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor to frighten Americans out of taking part in World War Two. Instead, we said, "Remember Pearl Harbor!" Now, terrorists want us, U.S., to be scared of them and the countries that sponsor them by remembering what they did 9/11/01. We will. In fact,
We will not forget

A word for Afghanistan, and anyone else who protects terrorists within their borders


Free U.S. Flag brass lapel pin with Red Cross donation of any amount.
Please make check or money order payable to Red Cross and include $1 cash or
three postage stamps for shipping/handling of pin. Tax-deductable receipt
will be sent separately to address on your check unless you state otherwise.
100% of your donation goes to the Red Cross.
Bill Laidlaw, 524 Printz, Arroyo Grande CAL 93420
To donate online with a credit card (no flag pin) click here
Please note: this website is for intelligent people, not this guy

Today is
© W.A. Laidlaw

If you're wondering about the line of money at the top, I once worked as dishwasher at a restaurant and the guy on the shift before me would look out the window and say, "Look at that! The boss drives a Cadillac and we work for minimum wage."
And I thought to myself, "Yeah, and someday I'll be the boss!" It occured to me then that this is a basic difference between liberals and conservatives.

* The Fine Print
Laidlaw Enterprises was established in San Luis Obispo County in 1977
Bill Laidlaw was created in San Luis Obispo County in 1958
The Laidlaw Family was first listed in the San Luis Obispo County phonebook in 1956
Any offers by Bill Laidlaw include a lifetime guarantee... my lifetime, that is