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RØߧ WÒ®£d

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
A cool little chat room
My sisters web page
the coolest little dancing hamsters

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This Is Me with My 10 pound Walleye on Big sand Lake(taken one year ago, i have changed a bit since then)


Last updated
May 23, 2000

Welcome... My name is Rob Wilson. I am from Savage Minnesota. Listed below is general info about me.

I am 1617 in a few months!
My Birth Day is July 20
I work at Menards
I am a great artist
I love to swing dance
I like most kinds of music
I play saxaphone tenor to be precise
I play a fender stratocaster electric guitar
I enjoy hunting and fishing
I am in 10th grade
I have a yellow lab named lilly.
I have one sister
i love to act in plays
I enjoy making people laugh
I have cought two 29 1/2 inch Walleyes in my life
I enjoy Life
I am kinda shy

If you want to learn more about me click on the folowing...

All about me
My friends

what I have been up to latley...

Well lets see i had the play it rocked i got an award for it. School has been alright. made some new friends this year. I went to london and paris which rocked. made some cool friends on that trip. oh well other that the regular stuff nothing much has gone on. I do have some more pics so mail me and ill send them to ya

The Bands and Music I like

Well my favorite band would have to be...

I love metallica. they realy have good music and I just like kicking backl and listining to them rock. I have all but the first of there main cd's (not singles and imports)so i gotta complete my collection. that is my goal
Limp Bizkit
Adam Sandlar (althought he isn't a band)
Smashing Pumpkins
Powerman 5000
Bare naked ladies
Lenord Skynord
Sole coughing
Weird Al Yankovic
I also Like oldies. You know like from the 50-60's
I like Jazz music and swing. its cool!

This is new

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