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Rat Terriers....Minnesota Style!!

Meet Jack & Mandy, our Rat Terriers!




This is Jack, our male Rat Terrier. He is 1 1/2 years old. He is lean & strong. He will be a daddy for the first time around April 1st, 1999.

Jack is very playful, and he is strong-willed. He is friendly yet cautious, and there is not a shy bone in his body! He is such a Lover!!

Jack is a Tri-colored Rat Terrier.

He weighs 15 lbs. and is 14 1/2 inches tall. He has a docked tail.



Mandy is our female. She is 3 years old. She is soft and cuddly. She will give birth to her first litter around April 1st, 1999.

Mandy is gentle and loving. She is just a little shy, and minds her manners. She was our first Rat Terrier. She likes to wink at the camera. We love her!!


Mandy is a tri-colored Rat Terrier.

She weighs in at 16 lbs. and is 16 inches tall. She has a natural tail.


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This site developed and maintained by Angie Ahlbrecht. 1999.