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International Food For Thought

If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following:

There would be:
57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south
8 Africans
52 would be female
48 would be male
70 would be nonwhite
30 would be white
70 would be non-Christian
30 would be Christian
89 would be heterosexual
11 would be homosexual

6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth, and all 6 would be from the United States.

80 would live in substandard housing
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from malnutrition
1 would be near death; 1 would be near birth
1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education
1 would own a computer

When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, the need for acceptance, understanding and education becomes glaringly apparent.

~~~ The following is also something to ponder: ~~~

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness... you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.
If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation ... you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.
If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death... you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.
If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep... you are richer than 75% of this world.
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace... you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.
If your parents are still alive and still married... you are very rare, even in the United States and Canada.
If you can read this message you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.
Taken from

After you die...
Parallel Universe

After death, you will continue to exist as if nothing has ever happened. You will continue to be yourself, but because you are in a parallel universe, some things will be different. You may not have married the same person, you might live in a different spot, but you will be the same person underneath it all and you will continue your life unaware that you ever died.

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Believe Religious Information Collection
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Pagan Links (I'm not a witch, just have Pagan/Wiccan friends)

Witch Info Net (a MN org)
The Wiccan Spiral
Witchvox Witche's Voice (VERY IMPORTANT WICCA SITE)
Awake the Witch
Awake the Witch Community Links
Raebeth Hedge Witchcraft
Pagan Path Net Search
Pagan Path
Reformed Congregation of the Goddess MN
Inner Sanctum of Wicca and Witchcraft
MysticWicks Online Pagan Community and Pagan Forums
Wicca Chat
Wiccan Recipies
History and Traditions of Wicca
WiCoM Wiccan Church of MN
AvatarSearch Search Engine of the Occult Internet
Wicca 101
Harmony Tribe (MN org)
Pagan Parenting
Public Pagan Events in MN
A Witch's Cauldron
Lavenderwater's witchcraft and magick resourses
The Wiccan Rede Project
Geocities Wicca Coven


Intuitive Tarot Forum Index
TripleMood Witchware
Dreams Dictionary
Enchanted Garden
Lil Pagan's Pages
Hello Kitty Tarot (Please buy them for me)
Tarot Resources
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