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Hey! I'm Mindy and I'm from the southwestern corner of Minnesota. Here's the 411 on my life right now. I am a proud member of the Minnesota Army National Guard. I am a recent graduate of the Communication program at Southwest State University. I've also just moved to Brookings to go to grad school at South Dakota State University. There, I will be pursuing my masters in Communication and Theatre Studies. Sorry it's taking me so long to get stuff on here. I hope to put some new stuff up soon. Hey....check out some new links at the bottom of the page! For now, I must bid you all farewell! I'm outtie! *pOoF*

Quote of the month:
"There's a screen there!"

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My favorite bar in Kissimmee, FL
Get yourself a new Gangsta name, as well as a few other names!
Wanna brush up on your slang? Visit my dictionary! (Coming soon...updates for the dictionary)
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
The Official Barry Manilow Page (FYI: He's my all-time favorite artist)
Southwest State University, Marshall, MN--My alma mater!
What hippies are good for--check this out! I think we should use some of these ideas!
The Greatest Alcohol LinksMy very own... Top Ten

You are visitor numbersince July 27, 1997.
Email: mindysell@hotmail.com