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The Poem Page!!

Here are samples of my poetry:

In the moon light she stands,

naked and bare,

looking out to sea with despair,

searching for her one true love,

who lies deep below,

and with her arms spread wide,

she leaps,

to say hello to her loved one,

deep below.

Around and around they swim,

diving and circling under the deep blue sea,

with grace and passion unknown to most,

a flick of the tail and a push of the fin,

swirling down into the shimmering water they go,

sailing above you do not comprehend,

the beauty that takes place beneath you and me,

swirling round and round they go,

in a dance of pleasure unlike any other they move.

who am I compared to a dolphin?

In a dark room far in the corner there sits a boy,

upon his face rests no apparent joy,

for he has lost what he has wanted most,

in the corner he weeps tears of pain,

in the silence he is ashamed,

for he has lost what he has wanted most,

there he sits alone upon the floor,

yearning for something more,

for he has lost what he has wanted most,

crumbled in a ball,

afraid to make a sound at all,

for he has lost what he has wanted most,

she is gone and he is here,

never ever to draw near,

for she is what he has wanted most.

Sitting under the starry sky in your arms

Listening to your heart beat one with mine

I look up into your eyes and lose myself in our love

You were ment for me and I for you

Perfect harmony

I sit and stare with you at the night sky

Thinking of how I love you

I look into your eyes and pray that we will be forever together

Just you and me

I kiss your lips and the passion in side me bursts to the surface

In an explosion of pleasure

Surely I was meant for you

Copyright 1998© Matt Baldwin

E-mail me if you would like to hear more!

