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Welcome to the Lovelife

Hello, and welcome to the first and the ONLY page dedicated to that wonderful radio show called " The Lovelife" heard on

Yes, the Lovelife can be heard on Bemidj's music leader FM 90! Check out the official FM 90 website here. You can check out the technical info, jump over to PaulBunyanet, or LISTEN LIVE!!! The Lovelife can be heard almost every Sunday night from 9-12 P.M. The Lovelife follows the Top 36 with the Hot Chicks (Danny and Miranda). The author of this webpage is a regular caller to the Lovelife......listen for Fiddle Faddle sometime between 9 and 12.

--Fiddle Faddle

History The “Love Life” originally started off as “Hondo’s Midnight Love” and ran during the 1996-97 season on FM 90. It was strictly a call in request/dedication love song show that aired Sunday nights. After the season ended and the show appeared over due to “Hondo’s” graduation from Bemidji State. The FM 90 sales director of the time wanted to renew the show due to its ability to pull in the advertising dollar. The sales director then approached the on-air personality of Dr. Dave and proposed a renewal. After some thought, Dr. Dave took him up on the idea but with a few conditions. 1.)He did not want to extend “Midnight Love”, he instead wanted to re-vamp the show and make it his own. 2.)He wanted creative freedom to make the show interesting. 3.)He wanted to bring in a co-host of his own choosing. After agreeing to Dr. Dave’s conditions, FM 90 agreed and the show was off. Dr. Dave consulted his friend (Batman) about helping to create and host the new show. On Sunday September 14, 1997, the temporarily titled “Love Show” first aired from nine to midnight on FM 90. It wasn’t until the next week that they adopted their official title, “The Love Life.” Dr. Dave and the Batman continued the dedication/request love songs but also gabbed a lot, and featured a weekly topic that listeners could call in to comment on. However, around late October, it became apparent that a two-guy love show was not all that it could be, they needed estrogen! Dr. Dave began searching for a third co-host that would add a female to the mix. However, his search was short lived, being as that he knew immediately who he wanted to join the cast. He spoke to his next-door neighbor (who would ultimately become Special K) about teaming up, and without hesitation, she said “yes!” In late November 1997, Special K joined Dr. Dave and the Batman on the air and “The Love Life” has never been better off. From there, the show acquired a cult-like following that continues to grow, much to the delight of the cast and crew. The show is checked-in on by attentive listeners such as Fart Monkey, the Foxman and of course, Fiddle Faddle among many others. In May 1998, the show ended its inaugural season and was picked up for another year, to begin in the fall. In late August 1998, “The Love Life” returned for its second season, but with the forthright knowledge that they would eventually lose one of their own. The Batman had accepted an offer to study overseas in Great Britain for the first half of 1999, therefore not being able to continue the show. The cast decided to give the Batman the ability to choose his successor to the microphone, and throughout the fall and early winter, the Batman looked at various candidates. Finally, he decided on his old high school buddy (Jason Chase) to replace him once he left. Jason Chase filled in for the Batman as a guest host the week before the Batman’s departure, and the following week, in mid-December 1998, the Batman said goodbye and jetted off to England. When January 1999 rolled around, Jason Chase officially joined Dr. Dave and Special K for their late-nite Sunday harassment sessions, as Dr. Dave calls it. The show has steadily grown forward and onward since. “The Love Life” has returned for it’s third and probable final season this fall. However, the beginning of the third season has been marred by disputes over the show itself between the cast and the powers that be at FM 90. As they battle to save their show, they will continue to do their best to have fun and entertain their captive Bemidji and Internet listeners. However, the three regular cast members will be facing graduation next year and will be unable to return once they do. But until then, the show will live on, featuring special appearances by Jiggly Jill, periodic appearences by Nurse Dana and The Batman and some appearances by the “Love Life” crew, Haveeb, Daddy, Stan, Sky, Monty, and some kid named Billy.

The Crew

Jason Chase-The newest member of the show joined in January 1999. He offers a laid-back quality to the show that is very “Hootie-like” and is the only cast member who didn’t finish the first annual Scooter Tractor Pull. He is an industrial technology major in his fourth year at Bemidji State University. His long-time girlfriend, Des, frequently makes surprise appearances on-air. He has nice hair too. INFO TIDBIT: He’s very tall and once went swimming while wearing a three-piece suit. MOST HEARD QUOTE: “Uh, okay.” LOOKS LIKE: A cross between Pierce Brosnan and a constipated chimp. Email me!! Comments, questions, suggestions.....

Special K-Probably the most sought after addition to the show, joined-up in November 1997. She is the first lady of Sunday nights and keeps her testosterone co-hosts grounded. Dr. Dave has called her “the show’s saving grace” and “spandex goddess.” She is a fifth year BSU student majoring in elementary education. She also has legs, and knows how to use them. INFO TIDBIT: She’s afraid of thunderstorms. Anyone for a good cuddle? MOST HEARD QUOTE: “Stop touching me!” LOOKS LIKE: B’Elanna Torres, Belinda Jensen and Jenna Elfman all rolled in to one.

Dr. Dave-The founding father behind “The Love Life”, oldest co-host and head crewmember, began the show with the Batman in September 1997. He is easily the most bizarre of the group and just simply cannot find the power to ever shut up. This fifth year BSU student is a major in mass communication with a minor in sex education. He occasionally calls the White House to order pizza. INFO TIDBIT: Once faked a seizure in line at Disney World and the movie “Jingle All the Way” was filmed in his yard. MOST HEARD QUOTE: “I can handle it.” LOOKS LIKE: We really aren’t sure, no one has actually seen the lad! Although various people have reported seeing something in the vicinity of the Himalayan Mountains that was tall and hairy.
