There are over 6 billion / milliardpeople on Earth. But what about the space?

This part of my website has been discontinued. It will probably remain here for quite a while, but it will no longer be updated and may eventually disappear altogether. The rest of my website has moved to For more information, please see

NEW! a UFO pic! This photo was taken by me on Spring '98, at school, by camera obscura (a self-made camera which has no lens but a very tiny hole). It is a (negative) image of our school but there is a weird longish object floating there with a few shadows. The scan isn't very clear, in the real photo the object looks different, like a screw. There was nothing special in the place where I took this photo and nothing wrong with the camera. I have no idea what it is.

I have experienced many weird phenomena. A couple of years ago I was eating my breakfast. I looked out at the window and saw something strange. It was a white sphere and first I thought it was only the moon. Then I remembered that the moon couldn't be there. The ball was above our neighbour's house. It looked like it was slowly and very slightly going up and down and rotating around itself. I think it was a little bit bigger than the moon.

Some years ago mystical circles appeared in my friend's garden. My friend photographed them, but she hasn't given copies of them to me. My previous biology teacher has seen UFOs twice. And my other friend and her neighbour's dad have seen (not at the same time) the whole heaven going white for couple of seconds.

The strangest thing, however, happened many years ago on February. I was at my grandma's. I was woken up by a strange light(ning) on a couple of nights. I also had weird dreams about being abducted. They weren't nightmares, but very nice dreams and they seemed so true. I got weird tiny "holes" in my face, like chicken pox scars, but smaller. Again, I have no explanation. It could be just a very weird coincidence, but the holes are still visible on my face when looking very close.

UFO vocabulary

UFO = Unidentified Flying Object
IFO = Identified Flying Object
Humanoid = "alien", a human-like creature (from space). Humanoid and UFO are not synonymous.
EBE = Extraterrestrial Biological Entity, almost the same as humanoid
Sceptic = Person who doesn't believe in paranomal phenomena
Abduction = UFO "kidnapping"
SETI = Search for Extraterrestial Intelligence

An email I got from a guy who has seen UFOs

UFO links (these links doesn't necessarily express my own views or opinions)

Suomen Ufotutkijat - Finnish UFO research
UFO Research (NSW)
UFOs, mysteries & phenomena
CAUS - Citizens Against UFO Secrecy
UFOs/Aliens - Home Page


Pages created by Maija Haavisto. Last updated: 16th March 2004