__  __       _  _       _          _    ____   ____ ___ ___              _   
|  \/  | __ _(_)(_) __ _( )___     / \  / ___| / ___|_ _|_ _|   __ _ _ __| |_
| |\/| |/ _` | || |/ _` |// __|   / _ \ \___ \| |    | | | |   / _` | '__| __|
| |  | | (_| | || | (_| | \__ \  / ___ \ ___) | |___ | | | |  | (_| | |  | |_
|_|  |_|\__,_|_|/ |\__,_| |___/ /_/   \_\____/ \____|___|___|  \__,_|_|   \__|

This part of my website has been discontinued. It will probably remain here for quite a while, but it will no longer be updated and may eventually disappear altogether. The rest of my website (including my newer ASCII art) has moved to http://www.fiikus.net. For more information, please see http://www.fiikus.net/?websitemove.

These images are old, from August 1997 until Summer 1998. The quality is very poor, but I thought that someone might still enjoy them (or maybe this is just wishful thinking...) Some images in the "New images" page are as old as these, but they look better :-)

Table of contents:
Strange creature #1
Strange creature #2
Titanic scene
A bunch of tiny people
Teddy bear

This is some strange being that I created for my sig. It was meant to be an envelope, but it looked very bad so I modified it a little bit. What do you think, is that circle in its face its mouth or nose?

   | @ @ |
+--|  o  |--+
    _| |_
   (_| |_) mh

This is a strange animal too, it was meant to be a dinosaur, now it looks like a cow or a horse. It was my first ASCII creature and looked very crap, then after a couple of weeks I fixed it to look a bit better.

( @ @ )
/..  /\                   ? 
\_./   \______________     )
   \                  \   / 
    \                  \_/ 
     |     _______      )
     | || |       / /| |
     | | \ \      \ \| |
     ooo  ooo     oooooo mh

This face is kinda stupid. I was making my own picture, but the hair was very difficult and it become just some guy.

| _   _  |
|  ..    |
\ \__/   / 
 \______/ mh

This one is pretending to be a horse, but it is quite crap... I spent a lot of time trying to get the tail right...

       o'o '//\,                                  /7
      /    / `///\,                             , --'
     (. . /`\  `///\__________________       _'-~__~,
            \                        `\,~-~-~~-_~~`
             \                         \`~'-~~`
             /  /-, ,-------------/  /  )
            /  /   | |           /  // /
           /  /    | |____      /  // /____
           \  \    (______I     | |(_______I
            \  \                | |
             \/                 |_| mh

A candle, isn't it? I tried to draw something Christmas related, once again.

 |  v|
 (   |
 |   |
 |   j
 |   |
 | U |
 |   |
 |___| mh

I have always been interested in UFOs. I tried to make a flying saucer - too difficult. This one somewhat satisfied me. First it looked like a pizza slice, but now it is an alien.

  /'_   _`\
 ( (#> <#) )
  \  . .  /
   __| |__
  /       \
  | |   | |
  | |   | |
  | |   | |
  | |   | |
   | | | |
   | | | |
 __| | | |__
`----' `----' mh

Well... This one is a big joke...

             , ,,     /       \
          ,')))((),  | I SAW   |
 ((((,   ,() O O ))  | A GHOST!|
  \  \   ()(  O  )()  \__  ___/
   \  \ ,)(()    ,(()    |/
    \  \((()( ,  ))(,
     \___ (( \__/(( (\   ))))
         (         )\ \  / /
          | HELLO |  \ \/ /
          |       |   \__/
          /      /'
         /  /\   \
        /  /  \   \_______ 
       (  /    \________| |
       \  \             |_|
        \  \
         \  \
          \ /'\   
           /  /
           \ / mh

Heheh... A "cute" little girl. Nice curls, huh?

   (((o o)))
  (((( u ))))
   /  \_/  \
   ||  *  ||
   ||  *  ||
   WW  *  WW
    /     \
     || ||
    _|| ||_
   (__| |__) mh

Is this a rabbit or a bunny? I'm not sure. It has no neck at all.

(~\       _
 \ \     / \
  \ \___/ /\\
   | , , |  ~
   ( =v= )
    ` ^ ' mh

Simple star. I bet someone has invented this before me.

____/  \____
\          /
 >        <
/___    ___\
    \  /
     \/ mh

Oh, that's grandad! :-)(looks best when viewed in DOS)

          /' = `\
         `.  U  ,'
       | ___| |___   |
       /'   \_/   `\ |
      |  ,       ,  )|
     /' /|/\    /  /'|
   /' /| |\ `\/' /|  |
(((\/' | | `\))/' |  |
  ||   | |____\/__|  |
  ||  / /'        ) /|
  ||/ /    //    // ||
  ||/    //    //   ||
 /|(   ,_(   ,/||   ||
  ||   | |   | ||   ||
  ||___| |___| ||   ||
  |/  /' /  /' ||
 ooooO Ooooo   || mh

After a little break I wanted to draw something small. This butterfly is nice, I think.

  ___  o  o  ___
 /   "\ \/ /"   \
(  O o \||/ o O  )
 \  .   ||   .  /
  .' () || () `,
   \____||____/ mh 

After watching the movie for the second time, I had big inspiration and made these pictures. Maybe not exactly like Titanic...

                    |   |    |   |
The ship that       |   |    |   |
couldn't sink...  __|___|____|___|_
                 |0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
      \o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o/
       \ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o/
        \o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o/
         \ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o/
          `----------------------------'  mh
            '==8 > Oh Jack this ship will sink!
            /||`  > Oh shit, but you must survive, Rose!
          / o||
        / o o||
      / o o o||
    / o o o o|| 1500 people-
   Žo o o o o||  to make it count
   |o o o o o||      |
   |o o o o o||--.   V
   |o o o o o||  |
~~o  ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~oo ~
8~~\~ ~ ~~.o~~~ ~~~~ ~
~ ~~~ o~ ~~ o~  ~ ~~o  mh

I had never tried mini ASCII before I created these. Maybe they are too tiny. I hope you can figure them out.

 o   Where is the loo?

  o  Dancing

 o   Playing football

 o   A monk

  o  A very fat man
 < >

 oo  Siamese twins

 o   A baby

Because there are dozens of ASCII teddy bears wandering on the net, I thought I could make one too. It's not gorgeous, and it looks like pig or something, but it's cute...

   __         __ 
 /"  "\     /"  "\
(  (\  )___(  /)  )
 \               /
 /               \
/    () ___ ()    \
|      (   )      |
 \      \_/      /
         " mh

ASCII art main page * New images * Pokédex


Pages created by Maija Haavisto. Last updated: 27th June 2002