Kizzie K's Homepage
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Kizzie K's Homepage

Hello and welcome to my page!

This is me

Well, this is in actuallity my second page. My first one, I went to go work on it and, well *sob* it was GONE!!!!!! So, I decided to make good out of a bad thing and do some stuff on this one that I didn't do on my last.

So, anyway, my name is Kizzia Gail Kulzer. Kiz..a...who? I know its unique, but if anyone knows me, "unique" is definately the word!

Me again! :)~

What's On My Page?

If ya scroll down you will find all sorts of things, but since my page gets kinda long, I'm gonna tell ya what you might find.

Well...time to update...I am now a proud mother...yeah...SUPRISE! You have no idea what a suprise she was..but on September first 1998, my daughter, Abigail, was born. click here to find out more!

About Me and My Family

To learn about me and my family, click here.For an update on my family click here

I am a student at the University of Minnesota, Crookston where I am a Natural Resources Management major. Yep....a tree-hugger! But when I'm not out huggin' tree's I like to go canoeing, fishing, snow shoeing(even if I've only done it once), listening to music, hanging with friends and family,chatting on Alacrap, and last, but never ever least, my fave, horseback riding!

My BIGGEST love is horses, well, besides my family and my boyfriend. I have three of them. Snickers, Babe, and Prince William (Willie for short). We do have one other horse, Rowdy, and a pony, Stormy. I also have one dog, Muffy. He's a shaggy thing with three legs(he lost one in a trap). He's all black with some grey hair as he is getting really old. I also have one cat, Tiny. She is a strange thing. She likes to watch TV and play with her cat nip toys. I love them all very much!

Snickers and Babe

Some of my other loves....

due SOUTH....the best TV show ever!
Paul Gross....the star of dueSOUTH and my fave actor!
John Michael Montgomery.... I met the guy!
ELVIS...he's still the KING!!!!
MOUNTIES....I love these guys!!! MOUNTIES rule!!!

There's one more love that I cannot leave out, and that is my boyfriend, my sweetheart, Derrick. Derrick is from Stephen, Minnesota, where the land is so flat you can see forever! Stephen's a pretty cool place, its bigger than Bejou, but not much more exciting. Like any other town, the only thing to do is drive around. Anyhoo... to learn more about my man....go to his page. Its really cool....and he has a bunch of sweet stuff about me on it *grin*.

This is Derrick and me on our trip to Itasca State Park

My Chat Buds:

If I forgot anyone...let me know and I'll put you on here!

Aside from chatting and school, I also like to let my creative juices flow every once in a blue moon. I used to write some poetry and I also LOVE to draw. I have scanned in some of my art work as well. I haven't much on here yet, but I plan to add more and write more as well.

Some Poems I Wrote

Just for fun.....

The Little Bee Here's one I wrote and did some illustrations for. I thought it would make a cute childrens book.
Busy, The Dinosaur This is one Emily asked me to write. She wanted a poem about a dinosaur.
BabeThis one is about my horse, Babe. It's kinda childish, but it was fun to write!
The Mountie... This one's for Fraser!

On the more serious side of things.....

Northern Lights I wrote this at about 1 a.m. a few years ago on a wintery night after seeing the Northern Lights
Dear Grandpa: Here's one I wrote while trying to cope with the death of my grandpa, Julian Helgaas.
Haiku Poems These are something I wrote in my senior English class
Loving You This is one of many I wrote when missing that certain know who you are ;)
You Are My Thunder Here's one I wrote for that certain someone again. I sorta have this obsession with thunderstorms....maybe when that lightning made my hair stand up it did something to my brain as well...but that's another story! *LOL*

Some art...

Charlie Here's a favorite drawing of mine, probably becaue t is one of my best
Goldie This is a pastel drawing of a horse from the book, The Golden Mare
Mare and Foal Here's one of a mother and her new foal.
Fraser Here's a drawing I did of Paul Gross as Const. Benton Fraser. It didn't scan over very well.
Due South Here's another one of my favorite Mountie...but it is a painting.

Short Stories...

Just One Night This is a Due South Fan Fiction I wrote when I was in one of my writing moods.

I have also been hard at work on some other pages. One is a research paper on Outdoor Recreation that I was required to put on the web for my advanced composition assignment. Neither is finished yet but take a look at it anyway!

My UMC Page

The goddess SOOZ...she's my awesome cousin...go look at her page!
Sarah McLachlan's Page...this girl can sing
Alamak Chat...this is where I do my chattin'
Violas Rock...Lassy's page
Pooh's Thotful Spot
Thunder's Padded Cell
pidge's Doggie Door
Bucko's Page
Raymond's Hemesida (its in Swedish)
Jeopardy! On-line Game
Days of Our Lives Page
Two Houses Paul Gross and David Keeley's page for their new album

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Thank You Kindly!
