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Joe's Home-O-Page

A long, long time ago, there was a little girl...... or was there????

Click here to see a more recent pic

A little more about Jose Miguel.............

*happy*funny*tranny/genderqueer*easy to please*activist*gets really excited about stuff, especially music*loveable*anarchist*silly*into BDSM*loves his cats*loves his friends*loves and tries to understand his parents*take some things too seriously*takes other things not seriously enough*DORK*tends to be a slacker*likes to laugh*but not at other people just WITH them*radical feminist*drag king*does not tolerate intolerance*loves to hug*cute, cuddly Chicana boy*No, I don't know Spanish*I know German though*thinks people need to take more vacations* thinks Joe needs to take a vacation*loves rainy days more than sunny ones*loves good coffee*HATES STARBUCKS*ewwww *thinks he can play guitar, but knows the horrible truth*loves Ani DiFranco*is very emotional* crushes on people easily*is too damn chicken to do anything about those crushes*is sometimes shy at first*can be obnoxious after he gets un-shy* dependable*determined*want to know more? Just ask, I don't bite......... hard. hehehe

Sign my freakin' guestbook, please oh please?

A li'l message to homophobes and other people who practice acts of intolerance and discrimination from my good buddy Bart Simpson!

Things That Make Me Smile

Awesome Web Sites!

Links to those ass kicking web sites
My page of Queer Links! whooohooo
Here are some more pictures of me and my friends!
A few pictures of my parents
Random pics
Come look at Pixie and Dandelion's Web Page!
QUEER COMMUNITIES ONLINE--My Final Project for Lesbian/Queer Cultural Productions
A page devoted to my amazing, wonderful grrlfriend
