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Mattityahu's Sons

Judy Git - Hanukkah 1994

Mattityahu had five sons

The oldest one was Yohanan

Then came Shim'on, number two,

He was the second son.

Who do you think was number three?

That was Yehudah Hamacabee,

He who fought so gallantly

What does "gallantly"

mean? What do we know

about how the Maccabees


That we might all be free.

Not just for themselves

or their times.

Then there were two other brothers

Brave and strong just like the others

Elazar was number four,

There was just one more.

Mattityahu had five sons,

The youngest one was Yonatan.

Zeh haben hachee katan.

Translation: This was

the littlest (youngest)


Mattityahu's sons.

Now every year we just can't wait

To light our candles one through eight.

On these days we celebrate

Mattityahu's sons.

We remember the

miracle of the oil, and

at the same time, we

remember how G-d helped

the Macabees defeat a

bigger and stronger army.

We pay our respects to

the Macabbee soldiers.

Yohanan, Shim'on viYehudah

Elazar veYonatan,

Here, as in the last

verse, the song reviews

the names of the brothers

in order.

They were heroes every one

What is a hero? Why

were these brothers


Mattityahu's sons.

Mattityahu had five sons

They trusted G-d each and every one

How do we know this?

(They took on superior


They fought against the Greeks and won,

Mattityahu's sons.

So, as we honor them today

We will not forget that they

Fought to defend the Jewish way,

**N.B. The Macabbees

fought for the SURVIVAL

of the Jewish religion.

Mattityahu's sons.

Yohanan, Shim'on viYehudah

Elazar veYonatan,

We'll be faithful as they were once,

**We must also be

true to who we are.

Mattityahu's sons.

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