Love Roller Coaster -by Dana-Gwen
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Love Roller Coaster -by Dana-Gwen

Ok, here it is: My first Fanfic! Send me feedback peoplez!! Does it suck? Is it ok? Tell me!! Ok, now the rest of the stuff.
Comments- COMMENTS!!!! Send 'em!!!! My addy is Please no harsh flames, though, I'm only 13!

Disclaimer- Dana Scully and Fox Mulder aren't mine, unfortunately. They belong to Chris (ALL HAIL!!) Carter, Ten-Thirteen (hey!! his b-day!) Productions, Fox (One more thing in common with Mulder) Television, and of course Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. I didn't make any money using them and no copyright infringment was intended. Let me put that another way... MR. CARTER, PLEASE DO NOT SIC AN ALIEN AFTER ME!! (however, Mulder would be ok) It would do you no good to sue me, all you'd get was XF posters, episodes on tape, pictures, etc..which I'm sure you already have.

Rating: G. A little UST and romance. At least not yet.

Summary: Scully and Mulder go to an amusement park in Minnesota.

Classification or whatever: XH (X-Files, Humor) (for now)

Spoilers: none, really. Some references to Syzygy, but nothing that would ruin your viewing. Won't ruin the plot either. (not hard, since there doesn't really seem to be a plot) :)

Thanks to everyone who has helped me! Namely Susi, my e-friend, who got me interested in XF; my e-friend Ganit, who always listens patiently to whatever I blab about; my e-friend Lauren, who helps me see the shippy sides of the episodes; my parents, who encouraged me to write if it made me happy; the Red Hot Chili Peppers, whose song Love Roller Coaster inspired me to write this; Tony Kelly, the DJ at KCLD who played the song Love Roller Coaster while I was looking for something to write about; Tom, who told me I look like Scully (made my day! thanx!); and all the other fanfiction writers!!!!! *hugz* Let me know if I can repay the favor!!

Don't take this story seriously or anything, it's just fun! DON'T FORGET TO WRITE ME!!!!! CUZ YA KNOW WHAT? I MADE THIS!!

10:13 a.m.

Valley Fair Amusement Park

Shakopee, MN

August 23, 1997

Everyone on the train screamed as they plunged down the cliff. Bright lights flashed before them as they were tossed into the dark tunnel.

Scully and Mulder laughed as many terrified people emerged from the tunnel. The train was Wild Thing, the new roller coaster at Valley Fair, the bright lights were from the cameras taking pictures at the end of the ride and the cliff was one of the almost straight down drops.

"Look at her hair, Mulder," Scully whispered, looking at a pale-faced woman with hair sticking up every-which-way. "it looks like she got in a fight with a bear!"

"You should talk!" Mulder exclaimed. "If you coulda seen yours after we got off the Corkscrew!"

"You should see yours now!" Scully said, laughing as she ruffled his hair.


Scully grabbed Mulder's hand and ran over to where a line was forming in front of Wild Thing. Well, ran as fast as she could while half dragging a stubborn Mulder.

"You wanna go on THIS?!" Mulder yelled over the sound of many screaming voices already on the roller coaster. "Look. There's the Tilt-A-Whirl. Wouldn't you rather go on that?"

"You're not scared, are ya, Macho Man?"

"Of course not. I just didn't think your little feet could reach the bottom."

Scully stuck her tongue out at Mulder. "Ha ha. You used that one in Comity."

"No, I didn't. I said I didn't think your feet could reach the pedals in the car..."

"Shut up, Mulder."

"Sure. Fine. Whatever." For the second time in five minutes, Scully stuck her tongue out at Mulder.

The line was moving like a slow, sleepy turtle in the middle of a pool full of Jell-o. However, people were joining the line like ants finding food during a famine. This time it was Mulder who grabbed Scully's hand and ran. But Scully was much stronger than she looked.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Nothing... I, uh, had a mosquito biting me. They're terrible here."

"Uh-huh. And you wanted me to squish it?"

"Well, you're the doctor. I thought maybe you knew the correct way to squish it without getting the guts all over you."

"Yuck! Mulder, you're disgusting!"

"You're the one who cuts up dead people! What's a little dead skeeter guts? Hey, I think I got another one!" Mulder exclaimed as he picked up Scully.

"Put me down!" Scully yelled, kicking violently.

"Ok." He pretended to be getting ready to drop her into the water from a near-by water slide. Scully tightened her grip around his neck. "I thought you wanted to get down! Make up your mind!"

"Would you kindly set me down? Nicely?"

"I didn't hear the magic word!"

"Mulder, I *do* have my gun, you know," Scully said quietly.

"Good Scully," Mulder said, gently setting her down on the ground. He patted her head like a dog.

"Now look! The line for Wild Thing is really long!"

"Pity." Scully slapped Mulder on the arm. "Hey! What'dya do that for?"

"You had a mosquito," Scully said innocently.

"Mm-hmm." Scully slapped him again.

"Too many mosquito bites can cause Skeeteritis."

"Never heard of it."

"Well of *course* not! Only we doctors know of it. If it got out, there could be mass panic and no one would ever come out of their homes and... Oh! Another one!" Scully slapped Mulder again.

"Sure. Fine. Whatever." Mulder rubbed his arm where Scully had slapped him. "Then let's go get some bug spray. You buy."

Scully rolled her eyes. "Ok, you buy a pickle-on-a-stick then."


"Yeah, right there." Scully pointed to a food stand a few yards away.

"But, I don't want one."

"I buy bug spray for you, you buy a pickle-on-a-stickle -STICK- for me."
"Sure. Fine. Whatever."
"Will you *stop* saying that?!"

"Sure. Fine. Whatever."

"You can buy your own bug spray," Scully said, giving Mulder her patented lost-puppy look.

"Oh fine! You can buy my skeeter spray, if you want to so badly!" Mulder said with an exaggerated sigh. Scully slapped him. "ANOTHER mosquito?"

"No. Just felt like hitting you." Scully smiled. "I, uh, gotta tell you something..." her expression quickly turned from happy to concerned.

"Is everything ok, Scully?"

"Just come here," she led him over to another side of the park. When they got to a place that was as private as possible, considering that it was a Saturday, and thousands of other people were at Valley Fair, Scully said "I, uh..." She paused.

"What is it, Scully? You can tell me."

"Well, it's just that, umm...I need a favor..."

"Anything, Scully."

"I need you to, well, ummm, you said anything, right?"

"Of course."

"Ok, I need you to go on Wild Thing with me." Scully said seriously.

"Scully! You scared me half to death!"

"Well? Will you go on it with me?"

Mulder sighed. "Ok, if it'll make you happy. But will you do me a favor?"

"I guess that's fair..."

"If I end up paralyzed, or deaf from my screaming, or anything like that, you gotta pay the hospital bill!"

"Sure. Fine. Whatever."
"Wanna know the rest, hey buy the rights!" -OMC Hey, just kidding! SEND ME COMMENTS!!!! I'M JUST STARTING ON THE 2ND PART! SUGGESTIONS? COMMENTS? DEATH THREATS IF I WRITE ANY MORE? please don't carry out the death threats though, ok? :)

Part 2

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